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The Underwear Subscription Service You Need For A Better Bootay

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Underwear delivered right to your doorstep. Every month. Sign a bootylicious girl up!

I rely on Booty Bag to keep me lookin’ fresh. Here’s why you should be building your own Bootay Bag:

1. Nobody else has them 

The most beautiful thing about Bootay Bag is that every month you get two fresh cute new pairs of underwear that you can’t buy in stores so nobody else has them. You can choose between getting two thongs, two cheeky, or one of each, and you can change your choice every month if you want to!

2. It’s a fun surprise every month

I love getting packages. It’s like a monthly little Christmas. I personally don’t look at the preview of the monthly pairs online because I like to be surprised, but I have friends that religiously check each month to choose what combination they want based on the options.

3. They’re Philanthropic 

Every time you post an instagram of the Bootay Bag package with the hashtag #undermatters Bootay Bag donates $1 per post to a different charity each month.

4. You’ll own another brand of underwear besides Victoria’s Secret 

Let’s face it, when we run out of underwear where is the first place we go? Victoria’s Secret. My friends and I all used to have the exact same underwear until I started getting Bootay Bag and now they’re asking me where I bought the pairs I have.

5. It’s cheap

$12 a month for two pairs and free shipping within the United States. An average Victoria’s Secret pair is $12.50 and with Bootay Bag  you get two for less than that.

I am a junior at the University of Oregon. Majoring in Public Relations. Let me pet your dog.
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