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The Ultimate List of Procrastination: What to do Instead of Study

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

I like to think of myself of the queen of procrastination. Finals week is next week, and I have a five-page paper, two finals, and a group project due before I get to my winter vacation. Have I started to study yet?


I know I should be locking myself in the library with a coffeepot and a mountain of textbooks, but there’s so many more things that seem so much more important (and enjoyable). I’ve compiled the ultimate list of things that I always seem to do come Finals Week, and it’s a pretty coherent list of things that will temporarily take precedence over your studying. Not that a Collegiette ever procrastinates.


Online Shopping
Once I have homework to do, I find myself thinking about a pair of shoes I saw some girl wearing today, and wondering where she got them. “Probably Urban Outfitters!” I think to myself, and before I know it I’ve been compiling an Urban Outfitters wishlist for the last hour.

An ingenious website that illuminates all of the inventive websites from every obscure corner of the web. I’ve actually learned things while stumbling the interwebs! Unfortunately, it normally has nothing to do with what I’m supposed to be studying.

Becoming very well informed about irrevelant topics
Today, I googled “feathered T-Rexes” (which comes up with some hilarious pictures, and on YouTube has some of the most intelligent comments I’ve ever seen) and spent at least half an hour reading about how dinosaurs were probably feathered. Although this makes for a great conversation starter, it will take some stretching to make that applicable to any of my four finals.

Downloading music
I need new study music! (opens iTunes) What’s this? Ke$ha has a new song? (clicks) I should look at all of the other popular songs! (clicks) Ooh, iTunes recommended this band to me and I’ve never heard of them. Let’s look at ALL of their music (clicks x50) OMG, they’re amazing! Let’s look at what’s recommended if I like them (clicks) And before you know it, I’ve spent $25 on music and I’m listening to bands even hipsters haven’t heard of.

Becoming very social
When I’m not procrastinating, I’m so bad at small talk it’s embarrassing. When I have something to do, I miraculously (literally, a miracle–I don’t know what happens to my brain) can talk about the weather for hours, find myself having deep philosophical talks with my roommates, and call my high school friends I haven’t talked to in ages. It’s great for the social life, but not so much for the academics.

Facebook and other social media
Speaking of a social life…I think I have a social media problem. I literally cannot stop checking my Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram and my Twitter when I’m trying to do schoolwork. Literally. Whether it’s updates about menial details of people’s lives or creeping on ex-boyfriends (which becomes creeping on the last ex-boyfriend’s sister’s best friend’s cousin, who you have five mutual friends with!), it becomes absolutely need-to-know info when I have something better to do.

Change my Firefox persona/desktop background
Because changing your internet browser background to be Christmas themed is a necessity.

Start (but never really finish) big projects
I’ve started a personal blog at least five times. I get really excited about my new project, then decide I have nothing to write about and delete the site. This also applies to fancy nail art, DIY projects seen on Pinterest, and doing the dishes.

I know I have a lot on my To-Do list when I’m voluntarily mopping the floor. And reorganizing my room to accentuate its Feng Shui principles (see “becoming well informed about irrevelant topics”).

Making lists
First, I make a list of all the things I need to do. Then, I organize it by priority. After that, I assign time goals, then think of more things to do and repeat the process. It’s the most efficient way to waste time I know.

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