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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

I love painting my nails. It is a great way to express certain moods and emotions through fun nail polish colors and finishes. Painting my nails has been a Sunday tradition of mine for years. Usually after doing way too much homework and studying, as a fun break or reward, I set aside an hour to paint my nails a new color for the week. Don’t get me wrong, I love getting a professional manicure, but painting your nails at home is much more affordable.  Plus who doesn’t love shopping for new nail polish?

Not only is painting your nails affordable and relaxing, but a great stress reliever and break from all the studying and test taking during these last couple of weeks before summer. A great way to update your manicure is nail art. Nail art can often be intimidating and tedious. However this tri-accent nail tutorial is extremely easy and only requires nail polish and tape! Spice up your current mani with this easy nail art how-to. No special tools required.

Tri-Accent Nail Art


  • Base coat
  • Top Coat
  • 2 Nail Polish Colors
  • Tape


1. Paint one layer of a base coat. Tip: A base coats will prolong the wear of your manicure.

2. Paint 2 coats of your favorite polish. I choose this gorgeous hot pink by Julep called Avery, which is a great bright color for summer. Make sure it is completely dry before moving on to the next step.

3. Next take 2 small pieces of tape (using the sharp edges) to form a triangle at the end of the nail. Press down to make sure there are no air pockets

4. Using an accent color, paint 2 coats over the tape. Try this bright blue color for the accent nails.  Tip: want to make this manicure really sparkle? With the tape still on use a glitter polish to paint over the triangle section.

5. Remove the tape immediately, leaving a perfect triangle.

6. Lastly, use a fast drying topcoat over all nails.

Have you tried Nail Art? If you try this Tri-Acent nail design at home tweet us a pic at @HerCampusOregon

Rachel is a Junior at the University of Oregon studying Journalism, Advertising, and English. She is on the writing team for HCO. She aspires to become an editor of a fashion magazine, a food writer, or creative strategist at an advertising firm. Rachel has always loved the freedom of writing and loves all things creative, makeup, fashion, food and Art History. When not studying for school, she enjoys the beach, traveling, dancing, and eating Nutella.
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