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Study tips that actually work for every college student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

All college students have to endure the difficult lifestyle of balancing many different things. This can get extremely stressful and tiresome, even to the point of breakdown. We all know that the main one that creates the most stress is studying. So to help you out, here are some tips that can honestly make this process so much easier for you!

1. Change your study spaces.

Proven by research, it helps to switch up your study spaces. This is because the brain can remember information based on location, so if you study in the exact same spot every time your mind will put jumble up all material together which makes it harder to retain certain information. This could really be a game changer so try it out!

2. Highlight key notes with YELLOW highlighter.

Each color does something different in the brain and it turns out that yellow is the color that retains information best. When you look back at your notes, your eyes will go straight to the bright color of yellow and help you to remember the key info highlighted. This has always helped me and others out so I greatly suggest this. 

3. Study when tired.

During the night, the brain greatly strenghthens new memories so it is a great to go over and review information before bed. Try not to go to sleep too late though because the more sleep you get, the more likely you are to do better on a test or quiz the next day!

4. Read information out loud.

It is a great tip to read out loud when studying! This is because two things are happening at once: you are hearing the material and seeing the material. This can really help to keep things in the brain and get an A on that test.

5. Switch up your subject

It is proven that it is not good to study the same subject for hours on end. A helpful point is to study one subject for thirty minutes, take a 5-10 minute break, study a different subject for thirty minutes, and then go back to the first subject. Try and see if this helps you remember information better.

6. Meditate

The process of meditation is a useful and constructive tool. Although this may be extrememly diffcult to succeed in, it may get easier if you do it every so often. Even taking a deep breather for some time can make a significant difference. I wish you luck!

Kara Fagan is currently a sophomore at the University of Oregon, where she is studying the field of journalism. Even though she is greatly driven to do well in academics, she also enjoys many other activities that college life has to offer. You can find her going out to eat at Qdoba with friends, curled up in sweats watching Netflix, or even joining events that her sorority, Alpha Phi, sets up. If you want to find out more about Kara, follow her on Instagram (@fagan_kara)!
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