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RLCG Sean: Sophomore in Distress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Dear Real Life College Guy, I have been talking to this guy for quite awhile now and I really like him but I don’t know how he feels about me.  There are all these rules that girls have to abide by and I didn’t get the rulebook. Things like: Don’t text him first, wait for him to text you, if you sleep with him the first night he’ll never call you again etc. How can I tell if he likes me back? Why are guys so complicated?  

-Sophomore in Distress 

  C’mon now… Let’s be real for a second! Guys are not complicated whatsoever; we are actually some of the simplest things life has to offer. We are guys, we are straighforward. We like sports, food, friends, lazy boy couches, and of course women. We keep it short and simple because it requires the least amount of effort. There is no rulebook or secrets to figuring us out. Think of it in these terms: if there is something we enjoy, we will continue to enjoy it, and yes, that includes a girlfriend if we are interested in dating. You mentioned that you are already in the process of talking to a guy, so consider that a plus.

       When it comes to our natural response to things we like, there are different ways we express it. First and foremost is the obvious. If we like something enough, we may just flat out say it. Most times it isn’t so bold and boring, so here are a few ways we might express it.

        Things like texting require mutual effort, the door swings both ways. We will occasionally shoot you a text, or two, on a Friday night to see what you’re up to. Maybe even between classes to see if we can snag lunch, but just like girls enjoy an inviting text, guys do as well; so throw him a bone and send him a text first. If you find this someone texting you often or picking up the conversation that turned dull, then consider that a small indicator of his interest in you.

       As far as things like sleeping together, each guy varies. Keep in mind, this is college, there are guys that live a “slam bam, thank you ma’am” motto and are not seeking a relationship whatsoever. There are also guys out there who would like to invest in one. I’m not saying, go out and sleep with him to determine if he likes you or not, but it is an obvious indicator if you have been talking, and is not a random hookup.

       In the end, the only true way to know if he likes you is to be blunt about it. Sure, there might be some signs of interest, and if you are the kind of person who enjoys having us make the moves, then wait and see what happens.

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Rebecca is a senior at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. She is currently studying photography and magazine journalism. Hailing from the mountain town of Bend, Oregon, Rebecca values being outdoors, staying active, and the beauty in simple things. She loves seeing what other people are exploring in their fashion and finding new trends. Rebecca is a lover of all things creative, spontaneous, stylish, and interesting.