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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

If you know last Monday was the start of a new season of the Bachelorette. As I was very devastated with the choice that the Bachelor franchise chose this year, I had planned on not watching the season at all. Nothing wrong with the lady that was chosen. I do not know her personally, but I am sure she is a lovely girl. I am just annoyed that the franchise never pays attention to what the fans want. Each year fans swarm the franchise with a suggestion on whom they want to be the chosen person and they never pick my choice. This has been happening for years, and after one of the worse seasons last year I was done. The franchise is very successful and I find it interesting that they choose not to listen to the people who keep the show running each year.

This year was such a surprise is that Hannah B. got eliminated earlier than most that are chosen for the position. I had not planned on watching this season what so ever, I called it my Bachelor protest. If they do not listen to my opinion I will not watch their show. As I was tidying up my room the other day I notice that my roommate was watching the first episode. I would occasionally give it a glance as I was folding my laundry but I did not want to give it my full attention. I did cave and begin to sit and watch the episode with my roommate. For some reason, I thought she was going to be extremely awkward based on what they showed in in Colton’s season of the Bachelor. She, I would say was perfect for the first night. If you do not know Hannah went to Alabama and was in Greek life on campus. If you know anything about greek life you know that each year sororities go through a recruitment process. This is a process that girls talk to other girls and get to know each other.

This is an important process due to the fact that this is how each sorority gets new members. When you are going through sorority recruitment as a member doing the recruitment you practice conversating in a specific way. You are taught to make sure that you are carrying the conversating and getting to the deep stuff fast due to the lack of time. That is exactly what she did, as a viewer it felt like she was in full recruitment mode. The way she interacted with the guys was a crazy shift from her on the previous season. I even told people in my sorority to watch that first episode as a good way to see what makes a good recruiter. If anyone wants to know what the recruitment process looks like, I think that the first episode is a good example. I do not know if I will watch the rest of the season, but I know that the episode was a great example of recruitment. 

Alyssa Arcos

Oregon '21

Hi! I am Alyssa, my friends call me lyss. I was born and raised in Southern California and go to Disneyland way too often. I am a junior at the University of Oregon majoring in public relations and advertising. I am really passionate about educating others on sexual assault and how to have healthy and consensual relationships. I love all things beauty, fashion, entertainment and travel. I am a VS PINK campus representative. I hope to one day make a difference and inspire young girls, I don't know how but I know I will. I love getting to express my thoughts and share my life experiences.
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