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Point Blank Advice From Our Psych Major: Rushing A Sorority

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Dear Jess,

I’m bummed I didn’t rush this year and kinda wish I did now… is it weird for a sophomore to rush?




Dear Regretful, 

It is absolutely never too late to rush! Traditional students are always welcome to join a sorority. Just because you aren’t a freshman doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the excitement of recruitment and sorority life. It’s extremely common for sophomores and juniors to rush also, although it’s less common to see a senior rushing since they’re almost finished with school anyway. 

I have several friends who have successfully navigated the recruitment process as sophomores and juniors. And to be honest, I’d say you’re at an advantage by rushing after your first year of college, because it’s less of a blind process–you will have had the time to learn what each sorority’s reputation is and which ones you think you’d fit in with best. Most freshmen don’t have this luxury. Because recruitment begins during the first week of school, the vast majority of girls going through recruitment know next to nothing about the sororities they’re rushing. 

Another important thing to remember is that to rush is not to join: you can go through the entire recruitment process and still ultimately choose not to join a sorority. For my friends debating recruitment, I always tell them to go for it because you’ll probably make a few new buddies during the process, and you only have to join a sorority if you want to. Also, if you feel uncomfortable with the idea of rushing alone since you’re a little older, I suggest finding a friend who would be willing to explore rush with you! But really, you have nothing to worry about because young women of all college ages choose to go through rush at a later time for a variety of reasons. Just think of all of the junior transfer students at each school!


If you do decide to rush, I encourage you to keep an open mind and allow it to be a fun experience. Rush can be intimidating and stressful, but as a former sorority girl myself, the best piece of advice I can leave you with is to be yourself during recruitment, because that’s how you’re going to find sisters who reflect your values and personality.

Good luck!

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