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Motivation to Help You Get Through Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Finals week is once again upon us.  With countless papers and cumulative exams quickly approaching, all-nighters and endless cups of coffee are necessary.  With all the added stress of final exams, you might be feeling a little bit like this: 


Or maybe a little bit like this.  I mean, who can remember what we learned back in September and October? 


You’re trying to keep it together, but it’s tough.


You know, that feeling where you just can’t seem to do anything right… 


Well, don’t give up hope yet! You can do this! You can ace those finals! 


Just think about how good it will feel when you are finished!


Drake is cheering you on to finish that last paper!


Leslie Knope stands with you in solidarity, as you begrudgingly trek to the library. 


And if you need a little study break, Dr. Addison Montgomery is here for you.  Pizza makes everything better.


Dr. Christina Yang is here to commiserate with you over how much you hate filling out scantrons.


And Leslie knows your combination of beauty and brains will only help you through this tough time.


So listen to Benedict Cumberbatch and just relax.


And remember that we’re all rooting for you.




You are smart, and you can do this.  


Liz Lemon can’t wait for you to turn in that last final and cheer with her! 


Just think, once you are done with exams, you can celebrate the holidays 24/7!


With these words of encouragement and support, I will leave you to go and study.  May you ace each of your finals, and have a very merry holiday season! 

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