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Meet Campus Cutie Maddy Matthews!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

This week we have a sweet and lively girl named Maddy as our campus cutie! She’s cute, hilarious, and knows how to have a good time. If you haven’t met her yet, it’s time to get to know this one and I promise that you won’t regret it. 


Portland, OR


I am currently a journalism major, but looking to switch to either speech therapy or cinema studies.

Fun fact about yourself:

I can lick my elbow, excellent party trick. 

What is your dream vacation?

I have a huge family and we all absolutely love Disneyland. If I could go with all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles it would be such an unforgettable trip!

Describe your perfect date.

If a guy took me to a drive in movie I would actually swoon, but really any movie would be great. Sign me up any day for dinner and a show.

If you could recommend one thing to a freshman at UO, what would it be?

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. We’re here to figure out who we are and what we want to be and in order to do that you have to make mistakes, embrace it. Carpe diem. 

If you could be a celebrity for one day, who would it be?

Hands down Kristen Wigg. She is absolutely hilarious.

What is your dream job?

I have always wanted to be an actress, but more specifically if I could be a regular on Saturday Night Live I would die happy.

Kara Fagan is currently a sophomore at the University of Oregon, where she is studying the field of journalism. Even though she is greatly driven to do well in academics, she also enjoys many other activities that college life has to offer. You can find her going out to eat at Qdoba with friends, curled up in sweats watching Netflix, or even joining events that her sorority, Alpha Phi, sets up. If you want to find out more about Kara, follow her on Instagram (@fagan_kara)!
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