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Learning to Deal With “Weather” (as told by a Southern Californian)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

So, you’re from Southern California and you’ve decided to attend the University of Oregon. Go Ducks!


Living in Southern California, you were never truly exposed to this thing called “weather”.  You probably took for granted your daily clear blue skies and sunshine because it was the norm.

You’ll soon realize that you could have left your sunglasses and flip-flops at home because they won’t get much use, especially during winter term.

Forget about your umbrella, too, unless you want everyone to know you’re an Oregon transplant.  True Oregonians stick to just their rain jackets and rain boots.

But that’s okay; because there are so many cute new rain shoes and jackets that you can add to your wardrobe now that would otherwise just sit in your closet in California.

You may think to yourself, “What is this water falling from the sky? And why is no one else phased by this?!”

There’s also this thing called “humidity” that you have to deal with now, which presents a whole new set of problems when dealing with your hair.

You may also wonder how the weather changes so inconsistently and unpredictably.  You walk to class in the sunshine, walk home in a monsoon, and deal with some light sprinkling in the early evening. 

But there are some perks – since you aren’t living in a drought anymore, you can take showers without feeling guilty!

And don’t forget the beautiful green views – there’s a reason they call the rain “liquid sunshine” here. 

Pretty soon, you just might find yourself preferring the rain and Oregon weather to the never-ending California sunshine! 

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