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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Age: 21
Year: Junior
Hometown: Park City Utah
HCO: What are your hobbies?
Anything that can get me outside. Skiing, rock climbing, sailing, you name it!  I also like reading but it puts me to sleep more times than not, so I feel a bit hypocritical adding it to the list.

HCO: What do you enjoy most in your life?
Spending time with my friends and laughing.  As cliché as that future gravestone marker is, it really makes me the happiest.

HCO: What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Legally?  A few of my close friends and I were backpacking Western Europe following high school graduation and found ourselves at this MONSTER TV screen nearby the Eiffel Tower watching the US v Ghana World Cup qualifying match.  After far too much beer we decided to break out the American Flag speedos we brought and run around like a bunch of a–holes.  Our playful drunken bantering attracted a lot of spectators including a mob (12 or so) of Algerians who are not too big a fan of the Red White and Blue.  They started throwing bottles so we returned fire.  Then it became bottles and rocks and fists and spit, and we had to run, abandoning a few of our possessions.  They chased us for about 20 minutes somehow finding more supporters along the way.  That’s the short version.

HCO: What is the first thing you notice about a girl?
First thing? The girl. On the girl? The face. On the face? Teeth. I like nice teeth.

HCO: Would you rather be brilliant and unfortunate looking or unintelligent and perfect looking?
To be honest, the beautiful mush-head would most likely have more fun.  But if you notice, most men and women with real power lack physical anything, but make up for it with raw intelligence.  And power is sexy. So were goin’ ugly!

HCO: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?
I get the point of these. So I wont be the a– that says “fishing gear and a water purifier”.  I hate those people. No, no, no, instead I want a waterproof copy of Crime and Punishment, and a woodworking build it yourself manual.  That way I can keep civilized and intellectually stimulated, and then build my self wonderful little tools to keep physically stimulated.  Haven’t you seen Life of Pi?

HCO: Do you wear boxers or briefs?
I wear the new-wave hybrid called boxer briefs.  Keeps it tight and loose in the appropriate areas.

HCO: What is your favorite daily wear attire?
I am torn.  I like my v-necks, and I wear them probably too much.  But deep down, I am a jacket man.  You can always trust a man in a good jacket.  Or can you?  I just gave you goosebumps, I know.

HCO: How does it feel to be the most desirable man on the earth?
How DOES it feel? Or how WOULD it feel?  Because it DOES feel great. And it WOULD feel like it DOES feel, I feel. Feel me?  More seriously, probably kinda hollow. Sorry to bring the good vibes down.

HCO: Between an intelligent woman who acts dumb or a dumb woman who tries to act intelligent, who would you pick?
A dumb woman who acts intelligent ends up being a poorly done Bradley Cooper skit on SNL.  And no one wants that. You cant pretend to know what your talking about and no matter how much you use the word ergo, you aren’t smart.  I would find an intelligent woman who acts dumb more intriguing because she is either A) hiding something.  And I like a good mystery.  Or B) She has to act that way because if she did act her intelligence level it would intimidate and scare away dumb men and she would be alone.  So were goin’ with the smart actress!

HCO: How often do you change your profile picture on Facebook?
When lady friends of mine point out that I have had it up too long, or when I get some badass picture of me doing badass things. The former is more common than the latter. Sadly.

HCO: What is the one word that you absolutely HATE people using?
This question will open up a can of worms. I have always hated the salt and pepper use of ‘like” in every day conversation. Its like, your whole life is like, one like, big metaphor. But that’s not my new enemy.  I absolutely hate when people say “hashtag,” joking or not.  Outside of it sounding dumb and me not having a twitter account, it just makes my bones ache like a 70 year-old in a rainstorm. Not a fan. #getalife

Sophomore journalism student at the University Of Oregon.
The official Her Campus Oregon account