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Growing Up An Only Child

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

When asked if I have any brothers or sisters, I casually respond that I am an only child. Every reaction I receive is the same and goes something along the lines of “Really, I would have never guessed” or “You don’t seem like you would be.” While it may be a surprise, the stereotypes of only children are more often myth than true.

There are many questions and comments I receive inquiring what being an only child is like. Here are a few that I have experienced.

“Were you ever lonely?”

No, I was never lonely. I was a normal child, just like you, who had play dates, sleepovers and participated on different sports teams. I may not have grown up with blood related siblings however my closest friends are my siblings.

“Did you have lots of imaginary friends?”

This question puzzles me and to put it simply, no, I didn’t have any imaginary friends, but rather I had a big imagination.

“But you don’t seem like a brat?”

No, I am not a brat, thank you. This is probably the biggest stigma of only children, that we are brats, selfish and spoiled. I believe that there is not a direct connection between having selfish characteristics and being an only child, but rather selfish characteristics can depend on different factors and influences in a person’s life. As far as being spoiled goes, I was not raised having everything handed to me, however I received more attention from family members because I didn’t have to share the attention between other siblings.

“Your parents must be pretty protective, huh?”

Why yes, they are, however parents will be protective whether they have one child or five.

“Aren’t only children very dependent on their parents?”

Perhaps some are, but this can vary. Personally speaking I think that being an only child made me more independent and mature at an earlier age.

In spite of the myths, I am who I am today because I am an only child.

Looking back, I have to say I had a very happy childhood and wouldn’t have it any other way.

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