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Five of the Most Overdone Halloween Costumes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Back away from the Gaga costume! We all see that one Halloween costume when we’re out and about on Halloweekend that we wish we had thought of. We then look down at our sexy (insert occupation/animal here) and promise ourselves we’ll be more creative next year. Don’t give yourself that feeling this year! Not being one of these totally been-there, done-that costumes is a step in the right direction.

Sexy Nurse
There’s nothing sexy about being in the hospital. That’s the last place I’d want to see anyone attractive, because that would mean I was seriously sick or a part of me was broken, and I wouldn’t have any makeup on. So why are sexy nurses so popular on Halloween?!

This year, be something on the opposite end of the spectrum: Dexter. Or, better yet, make a guy friend go as Dexter and be one of his victims. Wrap yourself in plasticwrap (but put something underneath, please) and put fake blood all over yourself. Done.

Sexy Barmaid
Sure, it’s cute, and it’s funny because you’re drinking and you’re dressed like someone who drinks…ha. This year, why not cut to the chase and just be the drink? Wear a silver dress and print out the Bud Light logo. Or wear white and print out the Burnett’s logo, or wear bright colors and be a Four Loko…the possibilities are endless.

Good lord. If I see one more Bump-It wearing, fist-bumping girl, wearing a tiny leopard print dress, I’m going to lose my faith in humanity’s creativity. If you don’t feel like mixing it up and being pregnant Snooki (or Snooki with a baby, except caring around a doll all night isn’t fun and could look questionable from far away), be something equally as annoying.

Dress as Flo the Progressive agent, and say things like “Savings, savings” or “It’s Flo-Time!” (actually, that one may make people think you’re talking about your menstrual cycle…avoid that). Wear all white, red lipstick, and a headband.

I know, the movie came out and it was amazing, blah blah. This one is a great one to show off that killer bod you’ve spent so many nights on the elliptical for, but you can wear leather pants with another, better costume: Magic Mike. I know, it’s a male character, but put on some eyeliner, leather pants, a vest and finish it up with a bowtie, and you’ll be the most magic Mike-ette ever. Plus you get to dramatically strip off your jacket anytime you arrive somewhere.

Honey Boo Boo
This is one of the more creative costumes that’s going to come up this year, but everybody else thinks it’s creative, too. Only do it if you can find a really bad pageant dress to wear (and by bad I mean a horribly fantastic 80’s dress at Goodwill). If understand the urge to wear tutu’s, but you don’t want to be one of the ten Honey Boo Boo’s at every party, be a loofah instead. Check out the DIY Loofah Costume HC Oregon’s Kimberly Chin created.

Whatever you decide to be this Halloween, make it more exciting and interesting for yourself and friends by creating something original! 
Have a unique or funny idea for a costume? Tell us about it below!

Rebecca is a senior at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. She is currently studying photography and magazine journalism. Hailing from the mountain town of Bend, Oregon, Rebecca values being outdoors, staying active, and the beauty in simple things. She loves seeing what other people are exploring in their fashion and finding new trends. Rebecca is a lover of all things creative, spontaneous, stylish, and interesting.