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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Grade: Freshman
Major: Undeclared
Hometown: Beaverton, Oregon
Relationship Status: In a serious relationship with Dough Co and funny cat videos

HCO: What activities are you involved in on campus? I joined Alpha Chi Omega this year and it has been an AMAZING experience!

HCO: Do you have any hobbies?
I love to sing! I was super involved in choir in high school, but now it’s just singing around my dorm. My hall mates probably hate me! Also, I spend an unhealthy amount of time planning my Pinterest wedding.

HCO: What is your ideal first date?
Dinner at Olive Garden to stuff ourselves with breadsticks, then something like bowling or roller skating or something! Some sort of activity where you can actually talk and get to know each other, and not just sit quietly in a theater watching a movie.

HCO: What are your deal breakers?
Intolerance. Huge deal breaker. I also find it incredibly offensive when people say “That’s so gay/retarded” or use other words as insults that pertain to a certain group of people. Like y’all are in college you have a broader vocabulary then that and you just sound like an ignorant jerk.

HCO: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
I’d be a honey badger because honey badgers just don’t give a s**t.

HCO: What is your favorite memory from college, and why?
Bid day at the end of sorority recruitment! It was so incredible looking around and seeing all these amazing new girls who are now my sisters. It was such a fun night and a great way to be welcomed into Alpha Chi Omega!

HCO: Do you have any girl crushes?
Jennifer Lawrence is actually the coolest girl on the planet. She ate it on the stairs at the Oscars like a champ! Also, I’m sort of obsessed with Michelle Obama. What a classy, inspirational lady!

HCO: What advice do you have for guys that are afraid to approach girls?
Just go for it. The worst thing that might happen is a few moments of awkwardness and then you go on with your life. Ladies like it when guys make the first move.

HCO: Any advice for girls in the same situation?
I find the best plan of action is just to take the advice from Shelly from The House Bunny and just be like “Oh my gosh your biceps are huge! Kiss me!” 60% of the time it works every time.


Rachell Brown is a sophomore at the University of Oregon studying journalism. Eventually, she would love to pursue a career in the fashion industry as either a magazine editor, columnist, or stylist. Born and raised on the Central Oregon Coast, Rachell hopes to leave her small town behind and move to New York City after graduation. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, running, her sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, and Tumblr. htttp://www.cosmic-allure.tumblr.com http://www.twitter.com/rachellabrown
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