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Campus Cutie: Samantha Martin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

If you haven’t seen this girl when you drive up at Dutch Bros or walking around campus, you are missing out! She is kind soul with a big heart, so if you see her around, don’t be afraid to smile because she’ll give you a genuine smile right back! Here is this weeks Campus Cutie, Samantha Martin!

Name: Samantha Martin     

Hometown: Eugene Oregon

Major/Minor: Spanish Major Business Minor    

Year: Junior?

Celebrity Crush: Luke Bryan

What are you involved with on campus and within the community?

 I am an executive member of UO Miracle which is a fundraising group for Children’s Miracle Network. I am a member of the Get out the Vote campaign which is a non partisan group reminding everyone the importance of voting. I am a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority.

What has been your favorite UO memory so far?

 My favorite memory at the University of Oregon was Big/Little reveal when I found out that Annie was going to be my “Big Sis” in TriDelta. I will never forget that day which was both exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time.

 What are some of your passions?

 Working with Children’s Miracle Network is one my passions, and I have been lucky enough to have worked with them since my sophomore year of high school. I actually worked with one family at Thurston High School and they happened to be one of our featured families for UO Miracle at the University. I was able to see their son Mateo, at four years old playing hard and being so happy dancing around, when the last time I saw him he was just a baby and the family was just entering the scary world of NICU rooms and continual check ins to Riverbend Hospital. Being able to see Mateo growing up, although with some health complications, was the most rewarding experience. 

What is your ideal date?

 My ideal date would be to go on a drive blaring country music, on the way to a concert to listen to Luke Bryan perform. And Luke would be the one taking me. My ideal date is Luke Bryan. 

Who inspires you?

 I feel lucky to have many amazing women to look up to in my life. Although it is hard to choose, my dear friend and mentor Paula would be someone I am very thankful for. She manages to do a million things at once and all of them well and with the most positive attitude. She is a mom, a friend, a dental hygienist, a volunteer, a mentor, and so many more. I hope to be as successful and as happy as Paula one day. 

What is your dream job?

My dream job is always to be doing something I love. Right now, that’s “slingin’ the bean” at Dutch Bros Coffee as a “broista,” but that will not be my dream job forever. I hope to one day find a company that allows me to both travel, as well as speak Spanish. Ideally I would like to be a translator, but one that gets to see the world while doing it. 

If you could pick any place to travel to, where would it be?

 If I could travel anywhere I would pick either Mexico or Spain. I want to be somewhere that I can practice my love for language and the cultures and lives that come with it. 

If you had the choice to see the future or go back in time which would you pick and why?

 I would go back in time but I would go further back than my birth date and I would meet influential people in history. (Fun fact I am a total history nerd) I would probably start with FDR and his wife Eleanor Roosevelt and then just take all the wisdom I gained from these encounters back to our present day because we have a lot of improving in social justice left to do. 

Do you have any sayings or quotes that you like to live by?

“She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans.”

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

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