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Campus Cutie: Frankie Lewington

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Year in School: Senior

Major: Planning, Public Policy and Management (also commonly known as 3PM)

Hometown: Salinas, CA

HCO: What is the most random movie you’ve ever cried over?

E.T. It was when I was younger and I didn’t want him to go home!

HCO: What song or band has been on repeat lately on your iPod?

Seeing as how their concert was the other night and I went to it, I’ve had Passion Pit on repeat a lot lately. And I’ve actually also been listening to the hip-hop band Cocaine 80’s “Queen to Be” song.

HCO: If you were to be a connoisseur of something, what would it be?

Coffee or beer. Coffee, because I got into it since I became a barista. I really like the Eugene culture with the breweries and café’s that are popping up, but don’t mistake me for a hipster. And beer because, I mean, why not beer?

HCO: What are you involved in on campus?

I’m a leadership development coordinator for the Climate Justice League. We tackle environmental issues on campus. Right now we’re looking into putting a native plant garden on the Millrace. I’m also involved with Alpha Phi Omega (APO) – a community service fraternity. We do service events around campus and in the community and I’ve gotta do a shameless plug…you all should join!

HCO: What do you find fulfilling and inspiring in life?

The long hair/don’t care, black rim glasses and PBR kinda attitude (just kidding). On a more serious note, I get really passionate about helping people. One of the service events we have at APO is tutoring at LCC downtown, and it’s a range of kids from elementary school to high school. I’ve helped a girl with her reading and writing skills and it’s a good feeling knowing that you’re actually making a difference. I like interacting with kids too so that makes it fun.

HCO: If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you spend your money on?

I’d pay off my tuition and then I’d take a trip to the land down under. Seriously, I’d go to Australia. I’d basically just want to travel around the world.

HCO: What has changed about you since high school? For better AND for worse?

For better – I speak my mind more. For worse — I don’t play basketball as much as I’d like to, just because I hardly ever have time.

HCO: What is the quirkiest thing about you?

My sense of humor because I like telling jokes that have a play on words. Sometimes they’re clever — at least I think so — but sometimes they’re not, and my friends don’t always understand them.

HCO: In a past life, what do you think you would have been?

I’d probably have been a pirate, because I have some pretty good pirate jokes.

HCO: What scares you?

Iguanas! They freak the s**t outta me!

HCO: Best way to spend your Friday night?

Depends on my mood. I like going out with friends. I’m also down to just chill and hang out and watch a movie. I just like to be around good people.

HCO: How about your Sunday morning?

First I’d go on a run. Then I’d make a nice breakfast and a hot cup of coffee.

HCO: Describe the secret hideaway place you like to escape to on campus when you’re by yourself.

My favorite place on campus is behind Lawrence Hall, between Lawrence and Deady. There are a lot of trees and not a lot of people are there. So it’s really quiet, which is nice. But a spot I go to actually get schoolwork done is up on the second floor of the AAA library at a table in the corner.

HCO: Describe your ideal date night.

We’d definitely go out to dinner. I don’t like too fancy too soon, so I’d keep it a casual dinner at, like, a McMenamin’s or Steelhead type of restaurant. I think the best kind of date is planning the first thing and then letting the rest of the night just take it’s own course. To me, that sort of dictates how well it’s going.

HCO: We all like someone with a good sense of humor, so let’s hear it; give our HCO readers your best one-liner.

What do you call a fake noodle? …An IMPASTA! Shout out to my Monday-Punday friend for some good material.

HCO: What is your biggest turn off?

People who aren’t genuine.

HCO: How about your biggest turn on?

A girl with a sense of humor and a nice smile doesn’t hurt.

HCO: What is your mini bucket-list for your last term of college this spring?

  1. I still need to float the river.
  2. I need to buy a joke book from Frog.
  3. I need to get a hotdog from the hotdog lady by The Duck Store.


[Photography by Thomas Maloney]

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