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Campus Celeb: Alex Kummer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Age: 19

Year: Junior

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Medford, OR

Claim to Fame: Vice President and Social Chair of UO Mock Trial

HCO: What inspired you to join mock trial at the University of Oregon?

I originally wanted to go to law school or something to do with politics, so mock trial was a way for me to meet people with similar interests and my same major. I felt it could be beneficial to me in the future.

HCO: For those who don’t know, can you explain what mock trial is?

Mock Trial is a team organization on campus, which consists of students that will be competing against other schools in the realm of fake trial scenarios based upon actual cases. Basically your team consists of lawyers and witnesses and we get a new legal case every year to prep for competitions. It’s a lot like acting, but also learning about legal systems.

HCO: How did you get your position and what are your responsibilities?

We hold an election where everyone in the group votes. This year we have multiple vice presidents with special focuses; mine is specifically communications. Basically, I take minutes at meetings and send out e-mails and letters to outside groups for fundraising. I am the person who information goes through. For social chair, I plan events for the team.

HCO: How do you spend your free time outside of school?

Um, doing homework… Also, I hang out with my friends, nap or work at my job at the child development center.

HCO: What are your guilty pleasures?

One Direction, Game of Thrones and The Office.

HCO: What do you love about the UO?

It’s a really pretty campus. All the people I have met have been really great people and my classes have been really great so far. The professors seem really knowledgeable and helpful, so it’s great to know the professors really take the time for students.

HCO: Where do you see yourself after graduation?

I am considering doing Camp for Adventure and pursuing a Masters in Education. I want to eventually become an elementary school teacher, whether that’s through a Masters program or Teach for America. I know for sure that I will be working with children.

HCO: Why should other students join mock trial?

It’s a great way to meet people and get involved. You are with the people so much that they just become great friends. It’s also something that’s fun to do. If you want to get some acting or trial experience, it is helpful. 

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