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The Best Ways to Save Your Skin From Cancer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

It’s scary to hear that skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States! In fact, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their life and this contributes to more skin cancer diagnosis than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined! Seriously guys, this is crazy! Not only is skin cancer one of the most common, it’s one of the easiest to be prevented! There are some easy things you can do to protect yourself and others, so let’s all vow to not be one of the 3.5 million cases of skin cancer
diagnosed each year!

Wear your protection. Of course, the number one way to save your skin from cancer is to wear your SPF! Think of SPF as your invisible shield that blocks harmful rays and free radicals. Even when it’s not sunny out, UVA/UVB rays still get through the clouds and down to us, so it’s important to wear SPF every day. Most people think putting on sun screen means applying greasy, white, foul-smelling gunk all over your body before going to the beach but this is completely out-dated! Now is easier than ever to keep yourself protected. You can find all kinds of lotions, make-up and other products that contain SPF so you won’t even realize that you’re putting it on. Find some in your favorite skin line and keep your mind and skin at ease for the rest of the day!

Get your tan from a spray… or a foam, or a powder, or a bronzer, or a lotion, you get the point. These days you can get a tan from just about anywhere other than the sun. Companies have realized all the harmful effects sun damage has on us so they’ve developed so many products that can help us be bronzed and beautiful without the risk of skin cancer. Most tanning salons even realize how harmful tanning beds can be and now offer sunless tanning options. The best way to keep your color to last is to have moisturized skin! Also, before you apply a tanner, shower and exfoliate your whole body so your skin is soft, fresh and ready to glow!

Get your Check-Ups. The best way to keep your skin safe is prevention. Catching cancer early can literally save your life. Be sure to keep up with your annual appointments and check-ups. If you notice anything unusual or a mole that has changed, go to the doctor immediately! They will be able to tell you exactly what’s up so you won’t have to stress about what’s going on.

Spread The Word. By talking to others about skin cancer, you’re not only helping them, but you’re helping yourself as well! The more you talk about skin health, the more you reinforce the importance of keeping yourself protected. It’s also a way to spread the word and inform others about the dangers of sun damage and what they can do to prevent cancer as well. Talking about cancer is never easy but you’ll be surprised how others have been affected by cancer as well. Unfortunately, almost everyone knows, has heard of, or even experienced cancer in some way and at some point in their lives. Opening up a dialogue helps for mutual understanding, gaining insight and spreading awareness of this devastating disease.

Reward Yourself! Think of how much you’ve spent on tanning packages, tan accelerator lotions and even all the time wasted at the tanning salon! Take all that money that you would have spent on a tanning
session or package and put it toward something fabulous, like a new haircut or a sexy sun dress! You’ll
realize how much you actually spend on tanning and how that money can be used for making yourself
look better, not worse!

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Sarah Felix is a senior at the University of Oregon, graduating in June. She is a double major in Psychology and Sociology and a minor in Communications. She also has received her Oregon Esthetician’s License and currently in the process of obtaining her Oregon Medical Esthetician’s License. She loves fashion, beauty and anything that makes her laugh. She’s a permanent Duck fan that “Lives GREEN and yells O!”

Serena Piper will always be a Southern belle at heart, but for now she is a Senior Magazine Journalism student at the University of Oregon. She is an avid news reader and watcher, loves to bake yummy desserts and watch Sex and the City reruns, has big travel plans for after graduation and would eventually like to work for National Geographic. She wouldn't mind one bit if her life echoed Elizabeth Gilbert's in Eat, Pray, Love. To find out what Serena is up to, check out her blog and follow her on Twitter