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The Best Deals For Spring Skiing Near You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Looking for a perfect way to enjoy spring in Eugene?  Try taking a trip to the mountains of Northern Oregon and hitting the slopes!  Meadows, Timberline and Mt. Bachelor are three resorts with fantastic spring deals that won’t put too much of a strain on your wallet.  Mt. Bachelor is open until May 26th and invites you to partake in their “Springtacular” ski season!   Adult passes (ages 24-64) are just $169 dollars and this would allow you to venture on up the lift as many times as you want for just this one low price!  P.S Freshman that are still 18 get it for $139, milk it while you can youngens.


Not buying into that deal?  Let’s look at your other options, Meadows resort stays open until April 28th.  I know I know, this puts a bit more pressure on you to get it before time runs out, but spring passes are only $99 dollars in comparison to the $74 day passes. AKA you would totally be saving your food and alcohol budget money if you even only went twice!

If you are still feeling as if this wouldn’t be worth your money, then the perfect solution for you is Mt. Hoods, Timberline resort.  This mountain keeps their runs open until May 27th, I REPEAT MAY 27th!! Spring season passes are $109 each and they have enough snow still to guarantee you 7 days of shredding a week until closing day if you so chose.  If you are one of those people with commitment issues then I get it, but there is also the day ticket option for only $60, or $52 if you only go from 1pm-4pm!

    With all of these options to chose from, I find it hard to believe that you could remain unpersuaded.  I mean let’s be honest, we are all sick of the gym and this is the perfect way to get your cardio going and your butt in fabulous shape for bathing suit season!  Make it an inexpensive weekend get away with your friends that is an absolute blast!  Forget about bikini’s and flip flops, go get your goggle tan nice and bronzed!  Maybe you’re looking for a new and fun date idea with the boy?  This gives you a chance to be outdoorsy and branch off from your usual dinner and a movie together.  So what are you waiting for?  Grab your skis or boards and I’ll see you on the mountain!

Sophomore journalism student at the University Of Oregon.
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