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The Best 21st Birthday Gifts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.



I ran into this issue a few months ago when my best friend turned 21. Unfortunately, I am not 21 yet and I had no idea what to get her! I couldn’t celebrate with her at the bars and buy her drinks; I couldn’t even buy her a bottle of wine. So I had to get creative. I wanted to do something original, but also classy. I searched for days trying to figure out what to do for her, and I know this happens to others so here are four gifts to give your 21-year-old friend if you are not 21.

Drunk Barbie Cake

This requires cake mix, frosting, a Barbie and a shot glass. It’s a comical and tasty gift that does not require an I.D. to buy. In my case it was a great way to embarrass my friend and get a slice of cake out of the deal.  I topped it off with some sparkly candles and hair sprayed Barbie’s hair for an over the top look. (This is the cake I ended up making)


Morning After Kit

After a rough night at the bars your friend is going to need a lot of water, Advil, and some peace and quiet. Put together a kit of things they will need that they maybe forgot to get before hitting the bars. Gatorade, band aids, an ice pack, and a Starbucks gift card will all come in handy once the hangover kicks in. Other things like a quiet movie, eye mask, and some crackers could do the trick.

Decorated Wine Glasses

Instead of using wine charms to decipher whose glass is whose this is a cute way to change it up. Tape the stem of the glass and get chalkboard spray paint and spray the bottom half of the wine glass. Let it dry over night and once the party starts use chalk to write a name on it. You can also do this with colored glitter paint.

Drinking Basket

To someone who is new to the bar/drinking scene put together some essentials such as a wine opener, cozies, corks, a bartender book, or a margarita shaker. Finding some little items like this will help their endeavor into the “club” of 21 year olds.

What gifts would you want to receive on your 21er?

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