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Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Keeping Warm & Staying Stylish in the Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

I don’t know about all of you collegiettes, but I know I have been freezing my buns off the last few weeks.  As the weather gets colder I have started to see more and more of us resort to our North Faces and UGGS (myself included) to keep warm.  Honestly, I get it, they are warm, they are comfy and they are easy, but that doesn’t make them okay.  I know it’s winter and most of us don’t really care what we look like when we go to class when it’s this cold and gloomy outside, but it’s really not that hard to stay warm, be comfortable, and look cute.  

Detailed Coats (like pea coats, trench coats and leather jackets) are a much cuter and stylish alternative to our fleece North Faces.  They make an outfit look a little bit more complete and polished without looking like you are trying too hard.  I wear my basic black pea coat pretty much every day and I love it.  Stores are offering variations like cropped styles, patterns, colors and accents like ruffles and bows (which I am not-so-secretly obsessed with).  Layer your coat on top of a long boyfriend cardigan, leggings and a scarf and you are good to go.

Fur Accessories.  I know, sounds kind of weird, but when done right it can be super warm and comfortable.  This does NOT mean that folding over your UGGS is acceptable, sorry, or that fur-lined hoods are back.  But faux fur scarves, vests and earmuffs are perfectly acceptable in my eyes.  

Knee High Boots paired with socks peeking over the top is my favorite I think.  It definitely ensures warm lags and feet.  However, the mistake I see a lot is trying this with jeans that are a little too baggy around the knees.  When trying this one lean more towards leggings, tight skinny jeans, or dare I say it, jeggings (and no I don’t mean Pajama Jeans, those are never okay).

Headwear, like hats and knit head wraps. I like them with a little detail, like a flower or something to give them a little extra femininity, but it is completely up to you. Hats were all over the runway with styles like wide-brimmed fedoras and berets. Wearing some kind of head wear will make sure that your ears don’t freeze off on your way to class.

Hopefully this has helped remind all you collegiettes that you can still stay warm and cozy while still being stylish during winter term.  Maybe we will be seeing less UGGS and a little more style on campus after the holidays!

Serena Piper will always be a Southern belle at heart, but for now she is a Senior Magazine Journalism student at the University of Oregon. She is an avid news reader and watcher, loves to bake yummy desserts and watch Sex and the City reruns, has big travel plans for after graduation and would eventually like to work for National Geographic. She wouldn't mind one bit if her life echoed Elizabeth Gilbert's in Eat, Pray, Love. To find out what Serena is up to, check out her blog and follow her on Twitter