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8 Ways to Make Your Worst Day Bearable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

We all have that one day out of the week. Maybe it’s every Monday evening, when you work late and study even later. Maybe it’s that Thursday you have five classes. Heck, maybe it’s your Friday and you just don’t have that same weekend anticipation everyone else has. And you kind of just think you can’t get through them. You’re just that close to calling into work, or two seconds away from just not going to class. But you can do it! Here’s eight little ways how.


1. Bring snacks.

It’s so simple, but so ridiculously wonderful. You’re sitting in a two hour class, hear your stomach grumble, and know you can fix it! Bring some granola bars, crackers, or nuts everywhere you go.


2. Sleep in 10 minutes later than usual.

Not too late to completely throw off your schedule, but just enough to satisfy that droopy eye syndrome, you’ll get up ready to go.


3. Bring a coffee to class.

Another simple one, but stop and grab a nice, professionally-barista-ed coffee to drink at work or class. It’s just something that will make your day just a little bit better.


4. Get your favorite takeout for dinner.

Because sometimes you just need that one thing to look forward to. Having that plan to grab your favorite food might just be the best thing for that!


5. Watch your an episode of your favorite TV show while you’re eating that takeout dinner.

Don’t start binge watching. Just watch one. Every night while you’re eating dinner, but before you start on school work, watch that one episode. It’ll be so nice to just kick back and not worry about anything for those few beautiful 25 minutes.


6. Find a good podcast to listen to at work.

I’ve become 100% addicted to TED Radio Hour on NPR. There are probably at least a bajillion different podcasts on your podcast app, and you should search around and find one you like. It just livens up your day a little.


7. Bring dessert to your desk.

Love marshmallows? What about M&Ms? Bring some with you! Having that favorite little piece of deliciousness at your side will make even the most dull of classes a little sweeter.


8. Pick out your outfit the night before.

Believe me you — it takes so much stress off your shoulders for the next morning. It sounds ridiculous, but the less you stress in the morning, the easier it is to have a good rest of the day.

You got this, homies!

A proud UO duck who loves to bake, eat, and photograph cupcakes. She also enjoys hiking, laughing, listening to jazz and cello, and all things that have to do with the winter and snow.
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