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3 Things You Should Leave in 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

3 Things You Should Leave in 2015:


With the new year upon us, we a flooded with reflection of our experiences in 2015 as well as looking ahead toward the coming year. Whether you’re one to embrace the “new year new me” mentality or opt for quiet contemplation, there is something profound and significant when the entire world agrees upon a new beginning, even if it’s a simple as turning a calendar page.

2015 was a great year for me, but there a few things I am focusing on leaving behind this new year.

  1. Waiting to save things only for special occasions:

Wear that fancy dress. Use that nice candle that’s been gathering dust since your birthday. Drink that nice bottle of champagne, even if you’re just watching Netflix with your friends. All of us have something cool or special that we are waiting for the right moment to use, but what I learned is that it’s those special things that can create a seemingly average moment, memorable. Life is short, you might as well treat yourself.

2. Endless scrolling:

With Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, iMessage, and those thousands of unchecked email’s constantly begging for your attention, it’s easy to get trapped in endless scrolling. I found myself missing out on so many moments because I was just staring at my phone. If you can’t bring yourself to delete these apps all together, reevaluate who you’re following! Do you really need to have continual updates about your high school best friend’s cousin’s new dog? Probably not. Be mindful of your scrolling and  chose to learn about those who matter and inspire you. The fewer you follow, the fewer posts you have to look through.

3. Negative people:

Of course, leaving behind negative people is so much easier said than done. Sometimes we are forced to work with difficult peers, teachers, coworkers, and roommates, but one should surround themselves with equally positive people. With ex-boyfriends, friends, even family members, it is important to remind yourself that you deserve to have people in your life that bring out the best in you. If you’re left feeling upset or in a bad mood after continuous interactions with someone, the relationship may need to be reevaluated. No matter how many years or months you invested in this person, the relationship may have run its course. It’s time to step back and make the best and healthiest choice for yourself.  

I am wishing y’all a happy and beautiful 2016! May the best come your way.




Elissa is a sophomore studying Arts Management at the University of Oregon. In addition to being senior editor of Her Campus Oregon, she is recruitment coordinator and campaign co-director for Climate Justice League, a member of Music Industry Collective, and works as a barista. When she's not hiking or watching documentaries, she's creating collages and dope Spotify playlists. In the future she hopes to travel the world and work for a major music festival. 
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