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24 Reasons You Should Be Excited For Winter In Eugene

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

20 Reasons I’m Excited for Eugene’s Rainy Season


  1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes, hot chocolate, tea, apple cider, etc. Not only are warm winter drinks delicious and the best way to unfreeze your fingers/lungs/intestines, but…
  2. Day drinking is perfectly acceptable when you’re just adding peppermint schnapps to your hot chocolate. In fact, it’s almost encouraged.
  3. Holiday cups at Starbucks. When I see those red cups marked with reindeer and holiday cheer, I get excited for Christmas immediately.
  4. Christmas shopping. There’s something so exciting about picking out the perfect gift for another person and watching their face light up as they open it. Plus it’s a legitimate excuse for spending all day at the mall.
  5. Christmas wishlists. I never buy anything for myself post-Thanksgiving. If I see something I want, I take a picture and send it to the parentals/boyfriend/social media friend group. Somebody better remember I want cashmere underwear for Christmas, dammit.
  6. Holiday Cheer. Think about gifts and doing things for others and holiday feasting and tell me you don’t get an excited tingle in your stomach.
  7. Thermoses. Taking your tea with you, everywhere you go. Yes.
  8. Boys in sweaters. They’re just so…huggable.
  9. Cable-knit EVERYTHING.
  10. Thanksgiving. Stuffing myself with so much food I can’t get off the couch for the next day and a half is my idea of a good holiday. ‘Merica!
  11. Puddle jumping. Especially if I get to show off my cute rainboots.
  12. Staying in and watching movies. If it’s raining and negative 20 degrees outside, I’m staying inside where there’s a heater, a cat, and a pile of chick flicks waiting to be watched.


  13. Blanket forts. My roommates and I converted our living room into a fort and kept it that way for two weeks. Needless to say, it was very popular for houseguests and I’ve never spent so much concentrated time in a living room before.
  14. Snow days. There’s at least a sprinkle of snow every year, and for select professors, that constitutes reason enough to cancel class.
  15. Hiding your excess calorie intake underneath sweaters. There’s a reason New Year’s Resolutions were invented…so we can enjoy our pumpkin pie now, then swear to lose every delicious calorie we ate once all of the major holidays are over.
  16. Everyone is the same skin tone…albino.
  17. Christmas music and movies. How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Jingle Bells, Mariah Carey Christmas songs…take your pick, they never get old.
  18. Family visits. It’s always wonderful the see the parents and relatives again, but it’s even better when it’s the holidays and they buy you things.
  19. Snuggling. Because when it’s cold outside, the natural thing to do is stay under the blankets all day with your teddy bear, boy, or furry animal of choice and stay warm. Naturally.
  20. Makes going home to somewhere sunny that much better. If you’re from California, I envy you. Absorb some Vitamin D from your 72-degree Christmas for me…I’ll need it.
  21. Outside pets stay indoors more. Ever since it started raining and my cat decided to spend more time indoors, my roommate’s Instagram has been nothing but sleepy kitten pictures of when he curled up with her. No judgment…but a little jealousy.
  22. Baking. Cookies and bread and turkey, oh my! Winter brings out the culinary side of me, probably because baking results in warm comfort food and the oven heats the house up. Regardless, my house always has cookies in the winter.
  23. Lazy days are more acceptable. Winter means it’s cold outside…and cold outside means it’s now socially acceptable to spend all day inside and wear blankets as a layer of clothing.
  24. Ice skating. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had falling on my butt every ten seconds.
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