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16 Ways to Kickstart Your 2016 Productively!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

Here are some of the best productivity tips you can get… and all of them can literally be done in under 15 minutes. Literally.


1. Download the app Google Keep.

This app has helped me, and everyone I’ve recommended it too, in such ridiculously tremendous ways it should probably be illegal. But thankfully it isn’t and you can download it too! It’s essentially your “Reminders” app on your iPhone, but cooler. And less complicated. Use it all the time. Please.

2. Get Google Chrome.

It’s my favorite web browser, and believe me when I say I’ve tried millions of them. I have, and Chrome is still the best. It’s fast, it’s easy to understand, and it’s perfect for multitasking on your computer.

3. Download the Chrome Extension “momentum”.

Whenever you open your Google Chrome browser, you see a beautiful picture, an inspirational quote, and a handy to-do list in the corner. So even if you’re going to YouTube to browse cat videos, you can always take a peek at the to-do list to remind yourself of what you should be doing.

4. Organize your desktop.

Toss those files, label everything, and group up those millions of jpegs you have sitting on your computer desktop. A clean environment means joyous work time.

5. Organize your actual desktop.

Completely declutter and organize your desk so you have a space for everything. If there’s a spot for everything on your desk, there’s happiness and wholeness in your life.

6. Buy sticky notes.

You will use them for everything. Label when food was cooked so you don’t accidentally sit and fret over whether or not it’s still good, label where cables go in your TV so you don’t have to miss the next Game of Thrones episode, mark where you stopped reading in a book so you don’t lose your place. It’s the easiest way to not stress yourself out.

7. Write sh*t down.

Have a thought? Grab a sticky note, a piece of old paper, something you won’t lose and write it down. If you have it written down and somewhere you’ll see it, you won’t forget it.

8. Clean out your closet.

Like, reallllllly clean it. Get rid of everything you don’t at least sometimes wear. My rule generally is, if it’s been a month, if it’s uncomfortably big or small, if it’s ugly, or if I can’t picture it with any outfits – toss it. Try to sell them, or just donate them.

9. Clean out your makeup drawer.

You’ve cleaned your closet, now clean your vanity. If it’s something that you never use, or maybe it’s decades old and probably not safe to even use anymore, it’s time to toss it. Saving only the essentials, and those special occasion makeup goodies, will help your mornings go even more smoothly.

10. Dietary restrictions? Stick to ‘em.

Coming from someone who isn’t supposed to eat dairy and gluten, I seriously know how easy it is to sneak in that piece of cheese, or that wonderfully buttery and crisp croissant. But it ruins my week in the end! If you don’t stick to your restrictions, you wind up feeling, well, icky the entire week.

11. Download the app “Harmony”.

I really don’t play games on my phone too often (because who needs games when there’s a Netflix app… don’t download the Netflix app if you want to be productive.) but this app has become kind of a lifesaver. It’s a puzzle game, but it’s relaxing. It even plays relaxing music while you play it, and uses soothing colors to completely calm and wind down your system. I’m kind of in love with it.

12. Carry a water bottle.

Get on this train, people. If you don’t carry a water bottle everywhere you go, you’re probably dehydrated. I can only say this because I’ve experienced it myself. I started carrying a water bottle with me and I instantly became more hydrated, more positive, and just more myself. It’s magic.

13. Use chapstick.

It’s not rocket science… it’s Petrolatum! It’s the key ingredient to all chapsticks. And it works wonders. Winter is hard on your body, your skin, and your lips and face especially. Keeping chapstick on those things makes your life go just a little smoother.

14. Start a new show on Netflix.

As crazy as it sounds, starting a new show on Netflix to get yourself hooked on is one of the most productive incentives around! You’re excited to watch the next episode, right? So why not set it as a goal? Finish that reading in the textbook, then watch a 20 minute episode in that series.

15. Take a nap.

Coming from someone who has become dependent upon their 2 p.m. nap, I can tell you naps help with everything. It makes you a less tired, less grumpy, more purposeful and useful person!

16. Set a bedtime.

Yep it’s ridiculous. You’re not a grandma, so you don’t need to be in bed by 9 right?! Wrong. Setting a bedtime for yourself is a little hilarious, yeah, but it’s a huge motivator. Starting that homework assignment at midnight doesn’t work out so well when you’re supposed to be in bed by 11. Rest up buttercup.

I hope you all can enjoy and appreciate and apply all of the productive tips to your lives! Happy New Year and may the odds be ever in your favor!

A proud UO duck who loves to bake, eat, and photograph cupcakes. She also enjoys hiking, laughing, listening to jazz and cello, and all things that have to do with the winter and snow.
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