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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oregon chapter.

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Hannah Baker’s 13 reasons aren’t the only things to pay attention to. The Netflix mini-series touched on many important life lessons every person should pay attention to. Here are the top 13 takeaways from 13 Reasons Why

13. Don’t believe everything you hear.

One of the biggest problems Hannah faces is a school full of students believing the rumors being spread about her. It’s smart to second-guess everything you hear, and even ask for the truth rather than jumping to conclusions. 

12. Respect people’s privacy.

If someone isn’t open about something don’t pressure them! Everyone has done things they aren’t entirely proud of. Respect the privacy of not just your friends, but everyone around you. 

11. It’s okay to make mistakes.

We’re all human. Mistakes are going to happen and that’s okay! Instead of beating yourself up about it like Hannah does, buck up and learn from your mistakes. And if a mistake is as bad as Sheri, it’s important to own up to your mistakes and not just pretend nothing happened. 

10. Tell the truth, even if it hurts. 

Telling the truth can be hard like it was for Sheri. It’s almost impossible to hide from the truth completely. At some point, it’s going to come out. Better it come from you than someone else, even if it hurts some people. 

9. Open up to your parents. 

Your parents may seem busy and stressed out but I promise they still want to be there for you. A parent’s job is to be there to help you out when you need it and it’s important to maintain an open relationship with them so you feel comfortable talking to them when you need to. 

8. Let go of grudges.

Some people have a hard time with just letting things go, like Zach did. It’s important to learn when things are worth fighting for and when to just let things go. Being rejected isn’t the end of the world. 

7. Don’t be quiet.

Everyone who had heard the tapes before Clay knew about everything that happened to Hannah, yet they all stayed quiet. Justin stayed quiet when he knew exactly what had happened to Jessica. The worst thing you can do to someone is staying quiet about something. Let someone know. No good ever comes from turning a blind eye. 

6. It’s okay to go against a friend’s trust for the better good.

Tony only tried to honor his friend’s memory and keep her secrets, but he should have told someone. It’s okay to let their secrets out if you truly believe it will help. 

5. Don’t go against trust for personal gain.

Going against a friend’s trust for personal gain, however, is not okay. Almost all of Hannah’s 13 reasons involved people she thought she could trust betraying her in one way or another. Going against a friend’s trust for personal gain is not okay in any circumstance. 

4. Tell people when you care. 

It never hurts to tell your friends you love them. One of the best feelings in the world is knowing you have a support system, even when things get rough. Stand up for your friends and be there for them through thick and thin and more than likely they’ll return the love. 

3. Listen when your friends are hurting.

Many of the signs someone you know is suicidal is through off-hand comments such as, “I hate myself” “Nothing is okay” “I feel alone”. Listen to your friends and take their comments seriously even if they try to laugh it off. Sometimes it’s hard to just come right out and say you’re hurting and the only way people know how to convey this is through small comments here and there. The best way to help a hurting friend is to listen and support them. 

2. Talk to your counselors. 

Whether in high school or college there’s always a place to go to get the help you need. Hannah did exactly the right thing by going to her counselor when she needed to tell a trusted professional what happened. They’ll know exactly what to do to help the situation. 

1. Take time for yourself.

Though it backfired on Hannah, writing eased her mind when she needed it. It’s important to take time for yourself when things get rough. Write, paint, listen to loud music, binge watch an entire series! Taking time for yourself is one of the best things you can do when you’re feeling down. 

Journalism sophomore at University of Oregon
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