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Your Guide to Fall Recruitment: Panhellenic Alternatives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Fall recruitment at Oregon State isn’t exclusive to the typical Panhellenic options. There are other multi-cultural, professional, and social options that you can consider! Hopefully, this guide can help you find the sister or brotherhood that will suit you the best! Here are some of the sororities that have recruitment events during fall term: 


1. Alpha Pi Omega



“The mission of Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. is to create a strong sisterhood that will serve as a support for Native American college women in today’s society. The sisterhood shall support its members in their individual journeys towards a balanced life. The Sorority will work to preserve Native American traditions, for through celebration and practice of our cultural and spiritual heritage, we become one with each other.”


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Facebook || 



2. Delta Phi Omega



“The purpose of Delta Phi Omega shall be to foster unity among South Asian women, build community awareness, and gain a greater understanding of oneself and others. The sorority aspires to instill leadership traits, excel in all academic endeavors, to encourage an active relationship between the sorority and its respective university, and shall do so with the utmost compassion, dignity, and fortitude.”


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Website || 



3. Kappa Delta Chi


Kappa Delta Chi aims to achieve professional development, academic excellence, and graduation of all its members. They are an organization dedicated to community service to their local university communities with an emphasis on the Hispanic/Latino population.


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events: 


Website  || 

Chapter Website


4. Zeta Phi Beta 



Zeta Phi Beta is an African-American sorority founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington D.C. on January 16th, 1920. Their mission statement is “The purpose of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority is to foster the ideas of sisterhood, service, charity, civil and cultural endeavors, scholarship and finer womanhood. These ideals are reflected in the sorority’s national program for which its members and auxiliary groups provide voluntary service to staff, community outreach programs, fund scholarships, support organized charities, and promote legislation for social and civic change.”


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Website || 



5. Chi Theta Phi


Chi Theta Phi is a local sorority that was founded at Oregon State University in 2013. As a social sorority with a professional focus, Chi Theta Phi provides a balance between social and academic/professional activities relating to Interior Design, Housing Studies, Apparel Design, Merchandising Management, and Graphic Design.


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Website || 

Facebook || 



6. Phi Sigma Rho



“We are a social, non-housed, engineering sorority at Oregon State University dedicated to building lifelong friendships, excelling in academics, and encouraging one another as we grow together.”


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Website || 

Facebook || 

Instagram || 


7. Sigma Alpha



Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship among its members. The sorority was founded in 1978 at the Ohio State University by five women who wanted an alternative to the social Greek sorority system.


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Facebook || 



8. Sigma Delta Omega



Sigma Delta Omega is an unhoused sorority at Oregon State University dedicated to women in science. This organization aims to support women in sciences through social engagement, to encourage academic excellence, and to present information regarding the opportunities available in science to young women.


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Website || 



9. Xi Chi lota 



Xi Chi Iota is the first social co-ed fraternity at Oregon State. It provides an atmosphere where ambitions, passions, and drive are cultivated into a society that will catalyze and enable members to make a substantive impact on the world.


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Website || 



10. Alpha Kappa Psi



Alpha Kappa Psi is a co-ed professional fraternity open to all years and all majors. It is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders. The main focus of Alpha Kappa Psi is to provide leadership development, personal and professional training and the fundamental ingredient higher education misses—experience. Through professional development, educational programs, community service and a hands-on application of formal education, Alpha Kappa Psi students use the business skills they are taught in the classroom to acquire life skills such as the art of compromise, consensus building, project management, team building and networking. Alpha Kappa Psi was founded in 1904 at New York University and chartered at Oregon State in 1914.


Check out their social media for more information on their recruitment events:  


Website || 



Here are eight great sisterhoods and two great brotherhoods you could be a part of. Be sure to check out their events and social media if you are interested!

Madeline is a Senior at Oregon State majoring in Merchandising Management and minoring in writing. She was the 2016-'17 president of Chi Theta Phi, a local design sorority on campus. If she's not in class, at a club meeting, chapter, or writing, she's probably spending time with her family, friends, walking her dogs, eating junk food, or watching too many crime, comedy, or fashion shows on Netflix. She likes cheese, dogs, creative projects, obnoxious animal prints, garage sales, farmer's markets, and generally just being silly.