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Summer Fashion: Cut-Out and Detailed-Back Dresses

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Cut-out and detailed backs on dresses are becoming more and more popular. They are a cute way to show off a back tattoo, some skin, or a cool design and are fun for so many different occasions.

Here are some ideas for places around Corvallis to flaunt your fun-and-flirty dresses this summer:

1. Listening to Your Favorite Artist

The Dress: Forever 21 

If you want to go for an edgier look like that of one of your favorite artists, try this look on for size. B.O.B. will be here for Dam Jam before you know it. Plus, there will be plenty of other local artists as well this summer you’ll need a fun outfit for.

2. A Trip Down Monroe Ave.

The Dress: Forever 21

Put on this cute outfit for a walk down Monroe Avenue. Whether you are grabbing some Cafe Yumm and an iced coffe from Interzone or exploring downtown and the waterfront, this outfit will keep you looking cute and feeling cool on those hot summer days.

3. Picnicking at Avery Park


The Dress: ASOS

If you have plans to walk around the dinosaur bones, climb up on the trains and explore around Avery Park, you may want to end your day off with a picnic with your sweetie or best friend.

4. Farmer’s Market Frenzy

The Dress: H&M

If you want to go for a more casual hippie look, try on this overall dress for size. It’s comfy for your bike ride to the market, walking around town, looking through a variety of fruits and veggies, and listening to musicians on the waterfront.

5. Stranded at the Drive-In

The Dress: AX Paris

If you’re thinking about recreating Sandy and Danny’s classic drive in movie theater date, try this look on for size. Grab a flirty green dress, add a peter pan collar, a leather jacket, and your best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend and take a trip out to the Dallas Motor Vu Drive In for a night time adventure. Click here for what to expect when you get there: http://www.hercampus.com/school/or-state/weekend-road-trip-destination-motor-vu-drive.


Comment Below Your Favorite Summer Look!

Madeline is a Senior at Oregon State majoring in Merchandising Management and minoring in writing. She was the 2016-'17 president of Chi Theta Phi, a local design sorority on campus. If she's not in class, at a club meeting, chapter, or writing, she's probably spending time with her family, friends, walking her dogs, eating junk food, or watching too many crime, comedy, or fashion shows on Netflix. She likes cheese, dogs, creative projects, obnoxious animal prints, garage sales, farmer's markets, and generally just being silly.