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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

The end of the school year is coming up soon and we all know what means. The dreaded Finals Week. Here’s to studying, procrastinating, and anxiety galore told by your favorite Central Perk Crew.

1. It’s the weekend before Finals Week and you’re in denial. 

2. You realize all your lecture notes are hard to read or incomplete. 

3. You pull up all your teacher’s PowerPoints and lecture materials and prepare to study harder than you’ve ever studied.

4. So of course you find anything else to do but studying. Like finally vacuuming your apartment or dorm. 

5. After an hour or two of procrastination you decide you need a snack. 


6. Your friend decides they want to share a snack with you. And you’re so grumpy from lack of sleep you can’t deal with that type of negativity.

7. Then you’re off to a study group. But no one is being helpful at all. 

8. After an unproductive study group session you decide to take a little break and sit out in the sun. 

9. Then you get back to studying and really get some work done this time. But you’re definitely not happy about it. 

10. After a couple of straight hours of work you reward yourself with some TV and sit back in your recliner trying not to fall asleep. 

11. You freak out thinking about your future of course. 

12. You realize you have no idea what you’re going to do after college. 

13. All you can do right now is caffeinate. 

14. And complain some more. 

15. And have a drink or two after you’ve been studying for so long. 

16. But then it’s finally time for your first final. 

17. And you don’t know whether to feel relieved or scared once it’s over. 

18. You still have more finals to take but all you can think about is your summer plans. And summer hairstyles. 

19. No matter what happens though your friends have always got your back. They’ll be there for you. 

20. So power through. You can do it! 

Good luck on finals Beaver Nation! 

Madeline is a Senior at Oregon State majoring in Merchandising Management and minoring in writing. She was the 2016-'17 president of Chi Theta Phi, a local design sorority on campus. If she's not in class, at a club meeting, chapter, or writing, she's probably spending time with her family, friends, walking her dogs, eating junk food, or watching too many crime, comedy, or fashion shows on Netflix. She likes cheese, dogs, creative projects, obnoxious animal prints, garage sales, farmer's markets, and generally just being silly.