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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Why? Just why?

All we asked for was a dislike button. Instead, we now have several emoji style options to choose from AND we still don’t have the dislike button.

The one positive thing I can say is that the emojis look the same on all devices. Usually, an emoji looks different on a desktop than it does in an app, so I guess that’s nice.

According to the Facebook developers, who took over a year to launch the facebook emojis, they didn’t want Facebook to become a place where a person upvotes or downvotes, generally terms used while Redditing (yes, I just used that as a verb). The developers wanted to be careful in the emotions they launched. They wanted to limit the emojis to a reasonable number so reactions would be more personal, but also universally understood.

This is one of the biggest changes to Facebook since its launch over 12 years ago. Sure you can now “love” something over social media. You can “sad” face or “wow” but I don’t think these reactions are very personable. Instead of saying “Congrats on your new job!” it will now be substituted with a “love” or the “haha” face… which I guess also represents a happy face? Either way, I think it’s just lazy and looks bizarre. I’ll probably get used to it like every other update Facebook has had that I hated but, for now, I’ll stick to my normal “like”.

What are your reactions to the new Facebook reactions? Let us know in the comments below!

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Kara Beu

OR State

20-something lover of books, follower of dreams, and full body laugher
Katherine Borchers is a Junior at Oregon State University and is majoring in Digital Communication Arts. She is involved on campus with Res Life and So Worth Loving at Oregon State. You can find her procrastinating real life responsibilities, drinking coffee, and procrastinating some more. When she procrastinates, she loves to sing loudly (not well, either), read books, and do artsy-fartsy stuff.