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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

With spring term upon us and the weather getting nicer and nicer, it can be difficult to get a lot of stuff done. Here are a few helpful tips to becoming a great multitasker this term!

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1. Get a planner.

Point blank, you will not be a mulitasker or a productive student without a planner. Knowing when you have tests, quizzes or meetings with professors is one of the most important things you’ll do. You can use a planner that’s more detailed or just a broad day-to-day planner. Even simple post it notes can be helpful! 

2. Set alarms.

When I know I have to get a lot of things done within a day, I set alarms throughout the day to remind myself I need to start studying a certain subject. It’s hard to tell yourself that you will start working on an assignment in an hour, but when you set an alarm for that hour it’s a loud reminder to do so!

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3. Work in efficient places.

Sometimes, working in your dorm or bedroom isn’t the most effective place to get work done. The library, coffee shops, or a study room can be really helpful! I find it best to go to Dutch Bros at non-busy times so I can spread out a bunch of different topics on the table. If coffee shops are too loud for you, the library is the best! Finding quiet spots are easy, and minus dead week and finals week you should have no problem finding a great place to study!

4.  Be realistic.

Some things require your undivided attention. If you aren’t the best student in chemistry, don’t try to do something else while you are studying for chemistry! Knowing your limitations on what things you can multitask on is hugely important. If you’re doing active stuff and have to read for a class, try to see if they have an audio version. If you want to workout or go for a run, make some note cards and study while you’re at the gym.

Hopefully these tips are helpful and will be able to make you the best multitasker AND student you can be! What are your tips for getting a lot of stuff done at once?



Volleyball player and English major at Oregon State!