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Campus Profile: Jessica Wagar

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Passionate about our campus, this week’s Campus Profile is one inspiring woman. Maybe you’ve met her before or just seen her around campus, but this woman is super involved and driven by her desire to love and help others. Read on to hear more about the various organizations she is a part of and how she has seen it enrich her life.


Name: Jessica Wagar

Hometown: Hood River

Major/Minor: interior Design/Leadership

Year: Junior

HC at Oregon State: You are incredibly involved here on campus! What has driven you to be apart of all these organizations?

Jessica: I was never involved in high school and, honestly, at the time I had no motivation for what to do with my life. When I got to college I wanted to drop out until someone reached out to me and said I was doing great things and should stay involved. It just took one person, and suddenly I had a new passion. I wanted to help others because someone helped me. All of my involvement revolves around helping others achieve what they didn’t know was possible and believe in themselves.


HC at Oregon State: Has your involvement helped shape the path your education has taken? If so, how?

Jessica: My involvement has completely changed what my life goals are. I will be pursuing a Masters in Student Affairs and Higher Education and will hopefully be involved in Leadership or Career Development.


HC at Oregon State: It sounds like you are very involved in the residence halls. What is the most rewarding experience that you have had in the residence halls?

Jessica: I think the most rewarding experience has been being a part of the National Residence Hall Honorary: just working with so much raw potential and dedicated student leaders. I was able to start a lot of service projects, one of which is our now annual Hygiene Drive for the Human Services Resource Center. Last year we raised around 300 pounds. This year I have not yet gotten the final number but, regardless, it made a huge impact. Beyond simply helping people in need, it gave others a chance to have a heart for our community. I saw so many people start to deeply care and love others. It’s just inspiring.


HC at Oregon State: Can you give us a brief synopsis of what Beaver Hangouts are?

Jessica: Beaver Hangouts is a volunteer group that Skypes elementary, middle, and high school classes to talk to them about college. We have lesson plans ranging from financial aid, admissions, time management, daily life, and more. It is so awesome to see kids start to have an interest in furthering their education. I think the reason I really love this is because I just didn’t think I would ever be able to afford college, but now that I am here and am attending school basically free, I want to be able to share that possibility with the younger students.


HC at Oregon State: What exactly does it mean to be a member of the Student Advisor Council? Also, what does it mean to be an NASPA Undergraduate Scholar?

Jessica: The Student Advisory Council is a new thing, with about 55 student leaders from across campus and organizations. We come together to voice concerns and ideas of the students we all reach and hear from. It’s a great time to represent the different areas of campus I am involved in. We do not meet often , so it is not a big time commitment. It is very eye opening to social circles I am not involved in. NASPA undergraduate scholars (or NUFPS) meet with a mentor, talk about ideas and passion for student affairs, and receive guidance for new areas to explore. It’s a great group that supports students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds and identities. I have learned a lot and am very excited to say that I will be attending the National Conference this Spring, which is a great and rare experience for an undergraduate.



HC at Oregon State: What has been the hardest part about being involved in so many different things?

Jessica: I think the hardest part about involvement is trying to maintain an outside social life. I make sure to schedule times with my best friends during the week so I see them. However, I am constantly meeting amazing people and it’s a real bummer to not have time to really get to know them.


HC at Oregon State: Do you have any advice for people who might be hesitant to get involved on campus or have a hard time balancing their current commitments?

Jessica: This is something I am excited to talk about. For me, involvement improved a lot of my life. If anything it kept me from ever becoming a Netflix addict. Being involved allows you to develop passions, meet others, and build off of others excitement and involvement. There are so many amazing opportunities and you only hear about them if you are involved. Plus involvement looks great on a resume, and gives you something to talk about to potential employers. I would encourage people to ask yourself, if you aren’t looking to be involved, then why did you choose your school? You can Netflix, read, or hang out on any campus. Each campus has so many unique experiences, go find out why your school is great. Even more, you will find out what makes you great when you get involved.


HC at Oregon State: What is your life motto?

Jessica: My life motto is live to love. I love God and love others because I experienced His great love. The more you love others completely, the less area you have to judge or harm others. There is so much loneliness and hurt out there and if I can make even one person feel needed and loved, then I’m going to take a chance, even if I look ridiculous, to love them. Even in the little ways: hugs, affirmations, resume help. Everyone has a way to love others. It isn’t so scary of an idea when you start making it normal in your life.


HC at Oregon State: Who is at the top of your music playlist currently?

Jessica: The top of my playlist… I’ve got Alessia Cara, a couple of boy bands, Hillsong, I’m pretty all over the place with music. Anything that is upbeat really gets me. I love music and I really want to learn how to play an instrument.


HC at Oregon State: Favorite Movie?

Jessica: Favorite movie is hands down Rodger and Hammersteins 1997 Cinderella. They have the most fun mix of comedy, music, diversity, and, of course, love. I actually am not a fan of the story behind Cinderella, because girls don’t need a prince to be someone in life, but the songs are incredible.


HC at Oregon State: What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?

Jessica: I hope that I am making a difference. Whether I am in this country or not, working in a college or not, I hope that I will never be complacent or apathetic. Oh, and I better still be skating and maybe skydiving by then.


Props to Jessica for being a superstar on OSU’s campus! Thanks for all that you do to make this community even more welcoming.

Make sure to check back next week to see who our next Campus Profile is!

Katherine Borchers is a Junior at Oregon State University and is majoring in Digital Communication Arts. She is involved on campus with Res Life and So Worth Loving at Oregon State. You can find her procrastinating real life responsibilities, drinking coffee, and procrastinating some more. When she procrastinates, she loves to sing loudly (not well, either), read books, and do artsy-fartsy stuff.