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Campus Cutie: Catherine Huang

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Name: Catherine Huang

Hometown: Orange County, California

Year in school: 3rd

Major: Public Health and International Degree    

Relationship Status: Taken for the past 4.5 years

This week’s Campus Cutie is the goregous Catherine Huang! Read on to find out what this babe is all about:

HC at Oregon State: What are you involved with on campus?

Catherine: I’m the philanthropy co-chair for Sigma Delta Omega, the Secretary for the Public Health Club, a member of Peer Health Advocates, a member of CAPS Advisory Board, and a mentor for Beaver Hangouts at the Pre-College Programs.

HC at Oregon State: What do you want to be when you “grow up?”

Catherine: I’m not entirely sure of what I want to be later on in life, but I’ve considered being an instructor at a community college for Public Health or working for a non-profit organization that deals with health issues or social justice.

HC at Oregon State: What’s your favorite season?

Catherine: Spring is the best season!

HC at Oregon State: What’s your favorite part about Oregon State?

Catherine: My favorite part about Oregon State is how people are so friendly and helpful. It’s nice to have that in a community.

HC at Oregon State: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

Catherine: I would love to visit Italy!

HC at Oregon State: What’s at the top of your bucket list?

Catherine: Watching every movie on the American Film Institute’s 100 Greatest Films list.

HC at Oregon State: Cats or dogs?

Catherine: I’ve always been a dog-lover, but I went to Heartland Humane Society and saw the perfect kitten. I adopted him, his name is Ace.

Give it up for Catherine, and stay tuned for next week’s Campus Cutie!

Lara is a graduate of Oregon State University, with a degree in New Media Communications and minors in writing and Spanish. Currently, Lara resides in New York City and works in the Influencer Marketing space.