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Campus Celebrity: Katherine Borchers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

Name: Katherine Borchers

Hometown: Vancouver, WA

Year in School: Somewhere between a Junior and Senior

Major: Digital Communication Arts

Meet Katherine, this week’s Campus Celebrity and one of Her Campus at Oregon State’s Assistant Editors!

HC at OR State: What all are you involved with on campus?

Katherine: I am an RA (Resident Assistant) in one of the residence halls, a Campus Representative for So Worth Loving, a DJ at KBVR FM, and an Assistant Editor for Her Campus at Oregon State.

HC at OR State: What made you decide to join Her Campus at Oregon State?

Katherine: Near the end of my Freshman year, I had stumbled upon the Her Campus website and was disappointed to see that there wasn’t a chapter for Oregon State. I actually thought about maybe trying to start up a chapter here at OSU but I was lazy and didn’t want to put in that much effort. When I learned that following fall that Lara, our President and Editor-in-Chief, had put together a chapter, I knew that I wanted to join. Writing had always been something that I was interested in and I felt that Her Campus was a great way to get back into it after a long hiatus.

HC at OR State: What are your roles with Her Campus at Oregon State?

Katherine: Currently, I am an Assistant Editor and help out with the Instagram and upcoming YouTube channel.

HC at OR State: What has been your favorite college moment thus far?

Katherine:  That’s a hard question. There have been so many great memories so far, but I think that the ease of friendships within the dorms during my Freshman year was an overall good one. Being a Freshman, nobody really knows what they are doing. But, when everyone around you is in the same boat, it doesn’t matter. You all just get together and have a great time figuring it out. Being back in the dorms as an RA, I’ve been thinking about how great it was to have friendships created out of proximity. I don’t talk to hardly any of them anymore, but navigating that first year of college with “automatic”-friends was pretty cool. Friendships require a lot of effort so when they come effortlessly it can be really fun… but also really not fun. But what’s Freshman year without a little dorm drama?


HC at OR State: What is your favorite part about Her Campus at Oregon State?

Katherine: I love how Her Campus gives us a platform to write content specific to our campus. We have the opportunity to let unique voices be heard and to cover topics that are relevant to our community. That opens up a lot of opportunities to make an impact on the Oregon State University campus and that’s pretty rad.

HC at OR State: Why should students get involved with Her Campus at Oregon State?

Katherine: Students should get involved with Her Campus at Oregon State because it is a great way to both get your voice heard and to better your writing skills. Your involvement with Her Campus is what you make it so the whole experience is very personalized, so it is a super appealing time-commitment to those who are busy but still want to be involved. Also, there are a lot of valuable skills that you have the opportunity to learn and/or improve with being involved in Her Campus that can be applicable to just about any professional career.

HC at OR State: What are you planning on doing after graduation?

Katherine: That is a fantastic question. I have no idea but then again, who really does? This past year I learned not to plan every little detail out, so I’m just taking it one day at a time. I found that when I tried to plan my life out, everything changed at the last possible minute and left me feeling so exhausted and frustrated. I’d rather play it by ear and make decisions as they come up. So what am I doing after graduation? Probably just learning how to adult and finding where my skills and talents are best utilized. Whether that looks like sitting behind a desk all day or traveling the world, I don’t know. As long as I can find joy in what I’m doing, I know I’ll be fine.

Give it up for Katherine, and stay tuned for another Campus Celebrity!

Lara is a graduate of Oregon State University, with a degree in New Media Communications and minors in writing and Spanish. Currently, Lara resides in New York City and works in the Influencer Marketing space.