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13 Hauntingly Delicious Halloween Treats

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.

It’s that special time of year. The ghosts are out, the jack-o-lanterns are grinning, the decorations are up, and the moon is glistening. As we get closer to this special holiday it’s time to make some Halloweeny treats. We’re counting up to lucky number 13 so join us for some creepy food fun.

1. Mummy Nutter Butters

If you’re looking for a yummy mummy snack then look no further! All you’ll need are three easy ingredients: nutter butters, candy melts, and candy eyeballs. The full how-to can be found here.  


2. Ghostly Peeps

If you’re looking for a ghostly treat then try this one on for size. It’s a gluten-free vegan dessert. It requires some extra work but is well worth the final product. Check out the full how-to here!


3. Brain Cupcakes with Wine Shooters

For our 21+ colliegettes, this is the perfect treat to get any Halloweekend fun going! What could be better than getting wine drunk the same time you get a killer sugar fix? You can find the full how-to here.


4. Vegan & Dairy-Free Candy Corn

If you recently decided to go vegan or became dairy-free (or maybe even both) you may be missing your favorite tri-colored treat. Have we got the fix for you. Time to eat these babies by the fistful. Here’s the full how-to here.


5. Deviled Alien Eggs

If you’re already a fan of deviled eggs why not kick them up a notch and pickle them to this eery hue? These deviled eggs look just spooky enough to be some killer monster goo. For the full how-to go here.


6. Vampire Cookies

If you’re looking for something you can really sink your teeth into you should look no further. Why settle for plain sugar cookies when you get spooky with it? Tis the season. Find the full how-to here.


7. Body Parts Pudding

If you’re looking for a simple snack for your Halloweentown movie marathon, grab a few mason jars and stir some gummy parts with your pudding of choice. You could even seal the jars and give these away as yummy party favors! You can find the full how-to here.


8. Vampire Apple Bites

If you’re looking for something the count couldn’t resist then look no further. This is another three ingredient masterpiece because who says you need to spend a bunch to be able to have a spooky good time on Halloween! You’ll be the coolest kid on your dorm floor if you make a few of these to set out in the study lounge on Halloween morning. You can find the full how-to here.


9. Witch Fingers

If you’re looking for something that doesn’t use any processed ingredients then look no further than these delicious whole wheat witch fingers with jam. They’re the perfect appetizer for your dinner of Halloween candy after. The full how-to can be found here.


10. Pumpkin Patch Rice Krispie Treats

If you’re anything like me, you know that homemade rice krispie treats are so much better than the store brand could ever be. Somehow they taste sweeter and yummier after making these bad boys yourself. Made into mini-pumpkins they really couldn’t get any cuter. You’ll find the full how-to here.


11. Veggie Skeleton

If you have some extra veggies lying around in your fridge or simply want to make a healthy halloween snack before delving into all the sweets try this recipe on for size. It’s scary but silly all the same. Check out the full how-to here.


12. Monsters on a Log

If you don’t have a lot of time to make a complicated Halloween snack then why not simply make a twist on the classic Ants on a Log treat. All you’ll need are celery sticks, peanut butter, and candy eyes. The full how-to can be found here.


13. Black Bean Pumpkin Soup

If you’re looking for something slightly less spooky and more on the cozy side this soup will be perfect for you. Despite the spider web design over the top, it is perfectly benign and free of spookiness, making it the perfect reat for any given weekday. Check out the full how-to here.


Keep it spooky Beaver Nation!


Madeline is a Senior at Oregon State majoring in Merchandising Management and minoring in writing. She was the 2016-'17 president of Chi Theta Phi, a local design sorority on campus. If she's not in class, at a club meeting, chapter, or writing, she's probably spending time with her family, friends, walking her dogs, eating junk food, or watching too many crime, comedy, or fashion shows on Netflix. She likes cheese, dogs, creative projects, obnoxious animal prints, garage sales, farmer's markets, and generally just being silly. 
Katherine Borchers is a Junior at Oregon State University and is majoring in Digital Communication Arts. She is involved on campus with Res Life and So Worth Loving at Oregon State. You can find her procrastinating real life responsibilities, drinking coffee, and procrastinating some more. When she procrastinates, she loves to sing loudly (not well, either), read books, and do artsy-fartsy stuff.