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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OR State chapter.



Written by Rebecca Holland

If you’re like me, or really anyone this election season, you’re not 100% thrilled with the candidates running this year. While I’m not the first to admit that this election needs to end we are reminded around this time every four years how creative the internet (and t-shirt companies) can really be. This seems to be the point where t-shirt companies are able to put our feelings about our likes or dislikes towards certain candidates, and just the election in general, into a t-shirt; and what better way to express these feelings by wearing one of these shirts on November 8th for everyone to see. Here is a list of the best shirts to show (or not show) your support on election day.


  1. Doggo Pupper

U r do’n me a bork amurica


2. Ken Bone

Who wouldn’t love a guy who still uses disposable cameras?


3. Many Trump Faces

Even if you’re not a Trump supporter, this is still an amazing shirt.


4. Knope for President


If you like waffles, gay penguins, and the Parks and Rec department, than Leslie Knope is the woman for you.


5. The only party we need

The best party is a Pizza Party.


6. Help us Bernie

If you’re still upset about Bernie not winning the Democratic nomination, this is the perfect shirt for November 8th.


7. Honey Badger don’t give a sh*t

Throwing it back old school with this viral YouTube video from 2011. Vote Honey Badger: he don’t care, he’ll take what he wants.


8. Pink Pantsuits, am I right?

Pink pantsuits to be specific.


9. The most iconic duo

If they can save the Enterprise from blowing up half the time, I think they can save America.


10. If all else fails, DIY it.


Katy Perry’s shirt is totally DIY-able. Grab a white t-shirt and some sharpies, and write in what ever candidate you support.


What’s your favorite political t-shirt? Share below in the comments! 

Rebecca Holland is a 5th Year at Oregon State University and is majoring in Digital Communication Arts. She is involved on campus with the Student Alumni Ambassadors and Chi Omega Women's Fraternity. Rebecca has a car named Sasquatch which she has appropriately decorated in many Sasquatch related stickers. You can find her browsing the newest dank memes, eating pizza, and crying about her love of cats.  
Katherine Borchers is a Junior at Oregon State University and is majoring in Digital Communication Arts. She is involved on campus with Res Life and So Worth Loving at Oregon State. You can find her procrastinating real life responsibilities, drinking coffee, and procrastinating some more. When she procrastinates, she loves to sing loudly (not well, either), read books, and do artsy-fartsy stuff.