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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

On Tuesday, October 29th we held a movie night event at Hillside Commons!


We wanted to celebrate halloween in a fun way where everyone can hang out and enjoy the night in the relaxing movie theater seats! We watched Coraline and made pumpkin waffles that could be decorated with whipped cream and fun halloween sprinkles along with apple cider. Everyone had a great time at the event and we are excited to do more like it in the future!


Here are some pictures of all the fun we had!





Hey Everyone! My name is Melissa Viskoc and I'm a Junior here at SUNY Oneonta! I am an early childhood education major and I'm one of the Campus Correspondents for the Her Campus Oneonta chapter. I spend most of my time watching reality tv and just about every crime show there is! I hope you enjoy my articles !