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The Most Popular College Majors—and Why

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

Oneonta offers a lot of various paths to take in life; from education to science to music, I believe we’re pretty diverse. But nationwide, what are ladies our age learning about? Take a look at the inside facts behind college studies of young women, and why collegiettes are choosing them.

     This has been a widely popular major for ages. Business majors are taught to balance critical thinking with creative innovation, while also receiving training in leadership and valuable life skills. This field opens up opportunities in the workforce in positions like accounting, management, marketing, and finance. Although that’s only the shortlist, it’s no wonder so many young people are choosing to specialize in this major. Our generation is more likely to start their own business than work in someone else’s. The drive and ambition required for this selection is admirable, and this career path tends to be quite lucrative.

History and Social Sciences
     These choices give a broad range of options to any who want to get involved. History majors have their pick of any specialty from historical curators and researches, to teachers, to careers in law. Social science, which includes political science, geography, sociology, and even economics, provides multiple views on society and the way people live their lives. This span includes many alternatives for those with intellectual minds and precise decision-making.

     Being a teacher is the lifelong goal of many young women, and is an extremely rewarding career. This job requires huge amounts of patience and kindness, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Although some may discredit the major, it takes extensive analytic work to understand how to cooperate best with parents and others to encourage a child’s growth.

     Oneonta’s prevalent majors are Education and Music Industry, although all career paths featured on the Forbes website are majors offered at our college.

     Over half of all college students change their majors at least once, and 33% transfer schools. Personally, I’ve already switched once, and am in the process of getting into the field I’m really passionate about, child psychology. If there’s anything I’ve learned during my short time in college, it’s that there’s more time than you think there is, so don’t be afraid to change your mind. Also, don’t wear your favorite skirt during rush week… it will get destroyed :)


Tiina is a hard working care-free girl who likes to work, travel, and spend time with friends in her spare time. Most people call her a 'work-aholic' since she is always busy with school, an internship, and job, but when not busy with those activities, Tiina is always living life to the fullest with her friends. Being a 'chill' and laid back person, Tiina enjoys being fully active when it comes to playing and watching sports, but also enjoys just staying home and watching movies with friends. Tiina is a Communication Studies major with two minors in Advertising, which she hopes to follow in the future, and Apparel & Textiles at SUNY Oneonta.