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6 Different Types of People During Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

Finals week is coming at us in full force and while some of you may not flinch when it comes to this time of the year, some of us struggle dealing with the stress it encompasses. College is filled with an abundance of characters, so naturally there are going to be different people who have various coping methods of enduring through the final stretch of spring semester. There are six types of students you will without a doubt encounter during this week long period–it’s more than likely that you’re one of them.


1. The anxious test taker:

If anyone knows who I am they will know that this is me 100% without question. The idea of studying sounds like it might ease the tension, until you are sitting in the library all alone with yourself and your books and have a mental break down. But then the opposing side to this would be to take a chill pill and study less, which also leads to the “OH MY GOSH I NEED TO STUDY” freak out. If you come across one of these students just give them a hug and hand them some chocolate.

2. The procrastinator:

“Nah I’ll finish this fifty page final paper later and study for my exam the morning before the test it’s fine, I’m fine.” No! How could you just be so mellow? This behavior might work for you and if that’s the case, I’m envious of your chill demeanor.

3. The one who thinks it’s summer break already:

Yeah we get it, you don’t feel like doing anything. Well suck it up because college is expensive! If you feel this way, I can definitely try to relate; however Milne Library is a short walk away and sometimes you just need the slightest encouragement to just finish the semester strong… even if you are literally crawling to the finish line. Push through! If this is you or someone you know, give lots of encouragement because it is very much needed.

4. The genius who doesn’t need to study:

I just have one question… How? Please teach us all how to have the brains to memorize an entire semester’s worth of work without having to review your notes. We all know this person, and frankly we all HATE this person because they have been blessed with mutated genes that create a flawless brain. But if you are this person, then congratulations and have a great finals week! I would wish you luck but it doesn’t seem like you need it.

5. The partier:

I’m sure we all scroll through snap chat while we are studying and see those people at parties, dancing and having the best time. This is needed. Although we all get wrapped up in the stress of finals, remind yourself to go out and enjoy time with friends. If you don’t enjoy the party lifestyle then just take a break anyway and maybe go out to dinner! Either way, keep partying on guys, in fact that’s what college is for… right?

6. The kid who has no finals:

If you have never met this type of person, just know that they exist. I didn’t think that it was possible to have absolutely no finals and if I had known what I know now, maybe I would be on the same boat. Well, have a great early start to your summer, kid. Keep us all in your prayers while you lounge in the sun.


There you have it! The creatures you will encounter within the next week. Are you one of them? Well if so, know you’re not alone. To everyone in college: push through the finals and last minute assignments. It’s almost summer!

Emily Satin is from Albany, New York. As a student at State University College at Oneonta, she is pursuing a degree in communications, focusing primarily on journalism studies. Emily took college level courses in journalism throughout high school further projecting her interest in the topic. She is eager to continue her education in graduate school once she fulfills her undergraduate requirements, and ultimately launch her career in New York City writing for a fashion magazine.
Anna is a junior at SUNY Oneonta, studying Fashion Marketing and Computer Art. She hopes to turn these studies into a career in the fashion industry in New York City. Outside of writing for Her Campus, Anna spends her time obsessing over eyebrows, embroidering, and talking about her dogs.