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5 Things You Need To Be Taking Advantage Of

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.





As busy college students, we are so used to having a similar routine everyday. Sometimes we forget to stop and think about all of the opportunities that are out there for us. Listed below are five things we should all start taking advantage of ASAP!



Believe it or not, there are people in this world that understand the whole “college budget” thing. When I came across this link, I was truly impressed. All you need is your college ID card, and then you’re all set! Check it out: http://www.giftcardgranny.com/blog/student-discounts/



Okay, it’s not free, we definitely pay for it in our tuition, but it’s unlimited! We must take advantage of the fact that we have access to a gym, as much as we want and whenever we want it. There is a gym in almost every dorm building on campus. Also, we can’t forget about Chase Gym and Alumni Field House. These gyms offer daily exercise classes, such as pilates or yoga. Our school also has a fitness club, intramurals, outdoor adventure club, ski & snowboard club, and much more!  Don’t let all those unlimited dining hall swipes catch up to you. Get out there & get movin’!



What other time in your life will you have the opportunity to drop everything and just go? Honestly, it probably won’t ever be this easy again. Traveling is truly how you find yourself, and a change in schedule is always healthy. Whether it be for the summer, a semester, or even a whole year – it’ll be one of the greatest experiences of your life. Save up from your summer job and buy a plane ticket. The best way to spend money is on experiences, not material things. Go! You won’t regret it!



Making connections will positively impact your life after college. Pretty much everywhere you go on campus you are surrounded by lots of people. Talk to them. Have an intellectual conversation. Don’t be afraid to reach out. You can learn something new from every person you meet, guaranteed. Talk to your advisor, your professors, and even the head of your department. Make yourself known! It could lead to landing an internship or a job down the road. As the saying goes – “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know”.



We are young, free, and sometimes we have a lot of free time on our hands. The piece of advice I am offering here is to use that time wisely. I mean, obviously, we all have our occasional Netflix binges, and that is perfectly okay. However, do not spend every minute of free time you have sitting alone in your dorm room. We should spend our time doing things that will benefit our futures, help us gain experience, or even make us into better people. There’s a whole world out there, and it’s waiting for us to discover it.


Hopefully while reading this article, your eyes were opened to a new idea or opportunity. Be sure to be taking advantage of these five topics as much as possible, to ensure you make the most of your college career. Thanks & HCXO!

I'm a junior education major, from the east end of Long Island. I like the beach, coffee, and J.Crew. "to live would be an awfully big adventure"
Kenzie Negron is currently a senior in college studying at SUNY Oneonta to pursue her dream career of being a high school english teacher as well as a part time journalist. Kenzie is the proud Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus Chapter at SUNY Oneonta. Kenzie is also the author of her own blog; http://sincerelykenz.com. In her spare time, Kenzie enjoys snowboarding, indulging in tacos, and hanging out with her friends. You can find out more information about Kenzie by following her on Twitter and Instagram (@kenzienegron).