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Why You Should Join Her Campus Ole Miss

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ole Miss chapter.

With plenty of other campus organizations clamoring for your attention, why write for Her Campus?

1. It’s New! 

The Ole Miss chapter of Her Campus is back and ready to take the campus by storm. Since it is a new student organization, with evolving requirements and virtually endless room to grow, you can be a part of determining the direction of the chapter for years to come.

2. Journalism/ Writing Experience

Her Campus Chapters post new content weekly, so there is plenty of opportunity for you to get professional and fun writing experience. Plus, having published work looks SO good on a resume – particularly for journalism students.

3. Freeeeeeedom

At Her Campus, you are free to write about what you love, whether that be Gossip Girl or Black Lives Matter. As long as articles are informative, honest and sensitive to all readers, we welcome whatever you have!

4. An Amazing Group of Girls

New to campus and ready to get involved? Veteran student trying to curate your girl gang? Or just trying to meet some fun new friends? Our chapter is full of fun, academically minded girls with a passion for developing women’s voices and for Her Campus.

5. Everybody has a voice.

Speaking of those voices, here at Her Campus Ole Miss we believe everybody has a voice with something unique and special to share. No matter where you are from, what you have done and what or who you love, you belong on this campus and at Her Campus. We are here for you!



HC Ole Miss
Katie Davis

Ole Miss '18
