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Five Easy Costume Ideas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ole Miss chapter.

By Marley Cruise

As we enter the month of October, I have reached one month of my annual search for an easy halloween costume that I can make without high expense or much work. In my search, I have found many fine options and thought that I would share my favorites.


  1. A scarecrow. This is an easy one. All you need is a plaid shirt, some overalls, and a little makeup for rosy cheeks. If it’s cold, you can add a scarf;  if it is hot, try some overall shorts. This Halloween costume is very versatile.

  2. Where’s Waldo. If you are like me, a glasses wearing sweater enthusiast, you already have a white and red striped sweater and black framed glasses. Throw on a white toboggan and there you go.

  3. Crazy Cat Lady. All you really need for this one is a bathrobe and some stuffed cats you don’t mind hauling around all night. Maybe add some hair curlers and slippers to complete the look. If you want to go the extra mile, make some red scratches on your arm and carry around some tissues. We all know that, more often than not, a crazy cat lady is actually allergic to cats.

  4. A Cactus. Admittedly, this one takes a little more work. You are going to need a green long sleeve shirt, a glue gun, and white pipe cleaners. Fold the pipe cleaners in half and glue them onto the shirt. If you don’t have pipe cleaners, you can use yarn.  Add a flower headband for an extra touch. If this doesn’t scream “don’t touch me,” I don’t know what will.

  5. A Tourist. Do you have khaki shorts, a beach shirt, long white socks, and tennis shoes? If you do, all you need to do is add a dad hat (you know the floppy kind he wears on the lawn mower) and maybe a fanny pack. Slap on a thick layer of sunscreen, and you are golden.


Sarah Smith

Ole Miss '20

Sarah is a Journalism student at the University of Mississippi. She is currently working on her first novel which she hopes to be published before she finishes college in 2020. Nerd to the heart, Sarah is always blasting Guardians of the Galaxy in her car, and her dorm or house is where the nerdy movie and book fest never ends. She aspires to be a lifestyles magazine writer and a novelist after college.