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Comfortable and Cute: Ole Miss Game Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ole Miss chapter.

By Lauren Kate Drewry   


 There is no dress code for game day! There are so many misconceptions and stereotypes about Ole Miss that you have to dress up for the games, and many girls jeopardize their comfort and wellbeing just because they feel like they are required to dress up. Trust me. I have been one of those girls before. I learned the hard way that you should always dress comfortably for game day, but you can still look cute at the same time.


    One time when I was a senior in high school, I came to an Ole Miss football game with one of my friends that was a Freshman here. Being nervous about how to dress, I looked up all the trends and found pictures of what other girls wear to the game. I went out and bought an outfit and new heels especially for the occasion. (First mistake.) Then I didn’t think to maybe walk around in those shoes and try them out before I wear them to a football game. (Second mistake). I was not prepared to walk that much around the campus and in the grove, so when I went to the game, I was absolutely miserable. My new shoes were rubbing blisters the entire time. These shoes beat up my feet so much that it’s been a year later and I still haven’t worn them again! I was miserable walking anywhere for weeks afterwards.

    I found out the hard way I should always dress comfortable to games, and since then, I have taken many precautions to do so. My advice to you is to always have a pair of shoes that you know will not rub blisters. This could be a cute pair of tennis shoes, flats, sandals, or even some heels that you are comfortable walking in, and MAKE SURE you buy or have them well in advance. Trying to break in new shoes at the game may have been the biggest mistake of my life.

    You should also not feel obligated to wear a dress or romper. There are many alternatives that you can wear to make the game day experience more enjoyable. I have worn a Lululemon skirt with a cute shirt and sandals before, and it was probably the best game I have been to, just because I wasn’t always worried about if my dress was falling down or if my shoes were hurting. A lot of my friends have worn white jeans or jean shorts and a cute top.

    Don’t forget to dress for the weather! Not only did my shoes make me uncomfortable that one game, but my dress did as well. It was the middle of October and cooler weather, but on that day it was very hot, and I showed up in a long sleeve dress. Always check and see if it’s going to be cold or hot at the games, and dress accordingly! The best way to spend your game day is comfortably. Ole Miss football games are one of the most fun college experiences, so don’t let your outfit rule your game day.


Sarah Smith

Ole Miss '20

Sarah is a Journalism student at the University of Mississippi. She is currently working on her first novel which she hopes to be published before she finishes college in 2020. Nerd to the heart, Sarah is always blasting Guardians of the Galaxy in her car, and her dorm or house is where the nerdy movie and book fest never ends. She aspires to be a lifestyles magazine writer and a novelist after college.