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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ole Miss chapter.

By Emma Rose Davis

I have been a college student for two years now. These are some of the things I have found that I have used or needed consistently.


  1. A good raincoat This was something I noticed when I came on my first tour of the campus. I came in February when it was cold and raining. I had a cheap raincoat that wasn’t doing anything good for anybody. I invested in a patagonia raincoat and LOVE it. It dries quickly and is thin enough where you can layer up underneath it. While it was pricier, I will invest in another one when this one takes its last breath.


2. Hand sanitizer Cold and flu season at Ole Miss or any college campus for that matter is a borderline epidemic. At one point, I was carrying clorox wipes in my backpack and wiping down the tables I would sit at in the library. It is an easy way to just take the extra measure.


3. Emergen-C On the note of health and epidemic level sickness, Emergen-C is a vitamin boost. It can literally save you from getting a cold, the sniffles, or any sort of bug coming your way. Take one or two a day and watch your illness melt away.


4. Colorful Pens I find having a good set of colored pens makes taking notes or putting things in my calendar much less taxing. I also find it satisfying adding color while doodling during a lecture that is dragging on.


5. Calendar/Planner Being on top of assignments in college is VITAL. Missing a due date is easily avoidable by making an effort to write it down in your planner. I personally have an Erin Condren and have loved it thus far but in the past have just purchased them from Office Depot.


6. Snacks Granola bars, popcorn, candy, chips, or whatever it is that fits your snacky mood. There is nothing worse than running late for class and not having anything to grab on your way out the door. The only thing that might be worse is coming home late and needing a snack with nothing in sight.


7. A Long Phone Charger What is worse than laying in bed wanting to roll over while scrolling through Instagram and not being able to because your phone charger won’t reach. Sleeping with an extension cord is not ideal but I can say a 10 ft charger is the move. But also for a lofted bed, these can come in handy.


8. Refillable Water Bottle This one may seem obvious but on the Ole Miss campus, there are refillable stations at the water fountains around campus. Save the earth and reuse your water bottle!


9. Things From Home My freshman year everything I had was new and shiny. Don’t get me wrong, it was beautiful, but it was also not mine. These past two years I have made a conscious effort to bring things that are familiar and mine. For me, that was a quilt I have had since I was little, pillowcases I slept on at home, and pictures of my family. It really did make all the difference having things and smells that were mine.


10. Phone Pocket I have had one of these for all three years of college. I use mine for my student ID, house key, debit card, and driver’s license. It just makes it easier than having to carry around a wallet to class, and I always have my phone so I have my essential ID as well.




Sarah Smith

Ole Miss '20

Sarah is a Journalism student at the University of Mississippi. She is currently working on her first novel which she hopes to be published before she finishes college in 2020. Nerd to the heart, Sarah is always blasting Guardians of the Galaxy in her car, and her dorm or house is where the nerdy movie and book fest never ends. She aspires to be a lifestyles magazine writer and a novelist after college.