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Reasons Why it’s Okay to Be a Social Media Addict!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Old Westbury chapter.

Social media is important in the 21st century! News travels so much faster; and if you stay off the grid to long, you might miss something really important. There is a lot going on in the world. Literally every second of everyday something crazy happens. Social media helps us stay updated and it can also serve as therapy thanks to all the memes and the adorable animal videos that instantly, make us feel better.

1. What would life be without that Kevin Hart video you played while scrolling down you Instagram feed?

2. Wouldn’t it suck if you missed a picture of adorable puppies cuddling! 

3. There are way more important things you might miss like terrorist attacks and earthquakes that social media will get to you faster than you’ll have time to open up a newspaper.

4. How many times has social media save you from social anxiety? You know that moment when you don’t really know anyone at a gathering and you feel out of place and awkward, so you pull out your phone so everyone thinks you’re texting but really you’re going through you feeds? Yup! Thank goodness for snapchats “recent updates.”

5. Sometimes, you just don’t feel like talking to someone in particular so you pretend to be very busy texting! 

6. How about sitting in the waiting room for a doctor’s appointment? Flipping through magazines is fun an all but what happens when you’re done and you feel the boredom creeping in? 

Not saying that it’s good to be on your cellphone at all times! Enjoy physical contact and in person conversations! They’re awesome too! But long live social media!

Oh and always remember, a picture of your food is probably as important as eating it!



A social media addict <3

Nathalie Ligonde is a senior at SUNY at Old Westbury majoring in Media and Communications. She is a Campus Co-Correspondent at Her Campus at Old Westbury. Ligonde is passionate about travelling, writing and learning new languages. She enjoys binging TV shows and movies on Netflix and loves hanging out with her friends. Her dream is to make a difference in the world by inspiring people to love themselves and others for who they are. You can follow her on Instagram to see all her adventures: @nathzwhatz