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How to Meal Prep for Finals Like a Collegiette!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Old Westbury chapter.

Finals week is hectic! There is no time to do anything, let alone cook. You can’t promise yourself that you’ll eat healthy because you are either studying or trying to catch some sleep. We are here to make college life easier with some meal prep tips that will only take 20 minutes of your time. The weekend before finals week, plan what you will eat for breakfast and what you will take to school! My advice is to buy yourself some mason jars. Mason jars are inexpensive, just $10.99 for a pack of six and they are super practical! Here is how I meal prep for finals week:


For breakfast, overnight oats are the best! The recipe is simple and you can change up the flavor!

Place ¼ of a cup of old fashioned oats in the jar.

Add 1/3 cup of almond milk/regular milk

Add one tablespoon of chai seed or protein powder

Add 1/3 cup of plain Greek yogurt


Flavor it up! I grew up in the Caribbean, so when it comes to flavor, we’re not big on measurement.

1-    One teaspoon of honey, one tablespoon of peanut butter and a chopped banana. 

2-    Two teaspoons of maple syrup, cinnamon powder mixed with a chopped green apple and crushed pecans for a crunch.

3-     Two teaspoons of maple syrup, DIY blueberry and blackberry jam (just heat them up on the oven and they’ll pop creating your jam), top it with blueberries and lemon zest! Yum!

4-    Another tablespoon of honey, one more of peanut butter, coconut flakes, blueberries and more coconut flakes!

You can make up your own flavors, try strawberry and chocolate, or pineapple with bananas, play with it! This will last in the fridge for four to five days!


As for lunch, make delicious salads to go in you mason jars!


Always place your dressing at the bottom! Make your own or buy some.

Add spinach or kale or both!

Add some fruits for more flavors.

Add some goat cheese or feta cheese.

Add some meat or beans for protein!


The good thing with having a salad for lunch is that it fills you up and you feel great afterwards. This will stay fresh refrigerated for three to four days!


Hopefully you find these tips useful and apply them to your finals week routine! Good luck collegiettes!



col•le•giette [kuh-lee-jet] noun: A college woman who is on top of her game – strategically career-minded, distinctly fashionable, socially connected, academically driven, and smartly health-conscious, who endeavors to get the most out of her college experience on every level.



Nathalie Ligonde is a senior at SUNY at Old Westbury majoring in Media and Communications. She is a Campus Co-Correspondent at Her Campus at Old Westbury. Ligonde is passionate about travelling, writing and learning new languages. She enjoys binging TV shows and movies on Netflix and loves hanging out with her friends. Her dream is to make a difference in the world by inspiring people to love themselves and others for who they are. You can follow her on Instagram to see all her adventures: @nathzwhatz