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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Old Westbury chapter.

Break-ups always suck! Whether it went really well or wrong, ending a relationship usually leaves people feeling somewhat empty; like a part of them is missing. Trying to get over your ex may be tough, especially if you were really invested in the relationship.  Time heals wounds and after a while, you get over them and are ready to move on. Here are some signs that you are over your ex:

1. He doesn’t occupy your thoughts anymore

In the beginning stage of a breakup, they’re your first thought in the morning, and the last before bed. You think about the good and the bad times. As times progress, you start to think of them less and those memories. Eventually you don’t care. 

2. You no longer hate him

Hate is a strong emotion. Usually after a breakup, you hurt so much you try to ease that pain with hate. It’s consuming and completely blindsides you. You know you’re done when your ex no longer has this power over you. 

3. You stop checking on him

You’ve put to rest your stalking habits! If you have any mutual friends, you probably taunt your friends with millions of questions about them. “Did you see him? How is he doing?  What has he been up to? Is he dating?”  You stalked him on social media night and day. Is he partying? Is he happy without you? 

4. You’re not afraid of being with someone else

After heartbreak, starting a new relationship is the last thing on your mind. At first, love and the idea of having deep feelings for someone else can be scary. Being with another person feels strange and wrong. When you do start to entertain the idea of being with another person; you are done! 

5. He’s in a new relationship and it doesn’t faze you

Seeing your ex move on is painful! Especially if they move on before you do. The thought of seeing him with someone else hurts! In due time, the idea of them being in a new relationship either has no effect on you or you’re happy for them, well not really.

6. That anxious feeling goes away

You know that feeling you get when someone mentions their name? Yeah, that! You warn your friends and family not to say their name around you. If you even see or hear his name, your mind goes into overdrive. Randomly running into them somewhere scares the hell out of you. That feeling goes away though. Eventually, even you can say their name without falling apart.

7. You accept it for what it is

Guess what? Not every relationship is going to last forever. Your ex wasn’t right for you and that’s okay; the world is still turning. This relationship is not one more lesson life taught you. 

Shakira is a senior at SUNY Old Westbury from Brooklyn, New York. She is a media and communications major that's interested in radio and tv broadcasting and public relations. 
Nathalie Ligonde is a senior at SUNY at Old Westbury majoring in Media and Communications. She is a Campus Co-Correspondent at Her Campus at Old Westbury. Ligonde is passionate about travelling, writing and learning new languages. She enjoys binging TV shows and movies on Netflix and loves hanging out with her friends. Her dream is to make a difference in the world by inspiring people to love themselves and others for who they are. You can follow her on Instagram to see all her adventures: @nathzwhatz