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20 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in My 20 Years

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash


  1. “Be impeccable with your word” – Don Miguel Ruiz. If you say you are going to do something or be somewhere, do it. Your word is everything.

  2. Be ruthlessly selective of who you expose yourself to. You subconsciously pick up on the things people say and the way people act. Marie Kondo your life, including who you follow on social media. It doesn’t matter if you’ve known someone forever, if they constantly post things that bring you down, they’ve got to go.

  3. Don’t subtweet people. Just don’t do it.

  4. Self-deprecating humor is actually very harmful. There is no way to say “I hate myself” without messing with your psyche in some way.  

  5. Never apologize for the things you enjoy. As long as the thing you enjoy doesn’t cause harm to anyone else, it shouldn’t be an issue.

  6. Stop feeling guilty. You will drive yourself insane if you choose to constantly nitpick every single human interaction you have.

  7. Stay away from the “I match vibes, you decide how we’re going to act” mentality. Don’t let anyone else determine your character like that for you. Act how you normally act and if someone does not reciprocate that respect, it’s not your problem.  

  8. The loudest person in the room is always losing.

  9. There is no need to define yourself. Be who you are, and don’t worry about what parameters it might fall in to.

  10. If someone is wrong about you, don’t waste your time arguing. Simply prove them wrong.

  11. Everything we dislike in others is, to some degree, a reflection of the things we dislike about ourselves.

  12. Listen to children. They are purely intuitive, and you can learn a lot from them.

  13. Always be open to new friendships. The people who end up becoming your best friends might surprise you.

  14. If you won’t be worried about a certain situation in five years, choose not to worry about it now.  

  15. Your mindset is everything. Tell yourself positive things, and a positive life will follow.

  16. The most beautiful things often come out of horrible situations.

  17. Leave your ego at the door. Apologize if you need to, be open to constructive criticism and embrace the growing experience.

  18. Cynicism and negativity are a trap. Side-step the vicious cycle by having a list of positive affirmations you can refer to as needed.

  19. As humans, our differences are infinitely less important than the media would have us believe.

  20. Self-love is the most powerful force in the world, and it starts as you are right now. Don’t wait until you have clear skin or the perfect body to love yourself, those things will naturally come as a side-effect of loving yourself. Remember that the same force that created the stars and the oceans also created you. Never underestimate your power.

Amanda Wilkins

Oklahoma '22

Amanda Wilkins is a Freshman Journalism major at the University of Oklahoma.
Emily Parker

Oklahoma '19

Hi my name is Emily Parker and I am a senior at the Univeristy of Oklahoma! I am from Tucson, Arizona and I am majoring in Business Marketing and minoring in Art. After graduation I would like to travel abroad and pursue a career in fashion marketing!