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What To Look For When You Are Dating ft F.R.I.E.N.D.S

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Here are a few tips on what to look for when dating, and remember ladies don’t fall for the first pretty face!



1. Date Someone who makes you laugh.

You need to date someone who can make you laugh and not only that, date someone who knows how to laugh at themselves.

Life should not be taken seriously all the time, having someone to remind you to laugh through life’s obstacles will make life so much more enjoyable.

Plus you guys will be able to handle way worse situations if you can practice positivity during little things.




2. Date Someone who has the same morals as you.

Coming from someone who fell in love with someone with polar opposite values- It won’t end good.

No matter how cute someone is, that infatuation with them will fade and if you guys don’t agree on the important things, you will be extremely unhappy with each other.

Make sure your future goals align, otherwise when the future time comes you will grow apart.

That doesn’t mean not to compromise on where you guys want to go out to eat on Friday nights, It means if you don’t agree with drinking and they do.

Don’t try changing someone who doesn’t want to be changed. Try and date someone who you would be proud to have a son like someday. 




3. Date Someone who has good taste in music.

Music says a lot about someone. No offense but if all they listen to is rap, no thank you. 






4. Date someone who embraces their unique quirks.

You want someone who is quirky and embraces it. You don’t want someone who cares too much about what people think.

You want someone comfortable in their own skin, so they can love you and all your quirks as well.

You may be attracted to someone with blue eyes, or brown hair but their quirks are what will make you fall in love with them and make you feel like you can’t live without them. 





5. Date someone who calms you down, not stresses out. 

Be with someone who listens to you and does their best to help you through your anxious moments.

Be with someone who truly cares about you and you feelings.



6. Be with someone who is Intentional

Intentionality is HUGE in all relationships, not just dating.

You need someone who is intentional from the beginning. Someone who doesn’t want to use you or disrespect you.

You want someone who will ask how you are, open your car door, and simply do things for the intention of nothing other than making you smile.

In fights, you want your significant other’s intention to be wanting to resolve the situation, not leave. They should have the Intention of being selfless and not selfish. 




7. Date someone who is nice to people.

There is a happy medium between being friendly and flirty.

Heck to the NO if your significant other is kissing other people.

But you do want them to be friendly to your friends and even strangers.

Because how they treat other people could be a reflection of how they treat you.

I once dated someone who was a jerk to almost everyone except me.

But he adored me and overwhelmed me with love, until we broke up and he turned cold and treated me like a stranger.

Pay attention to someone’s true colors, don’t try and repaint them. 




8. Date Someone who you enjoy being around.

Looks will fade. If you are not friends with your significant other, it will not last.

Be with someone who feels so comfortable to be around, you could talk to them for 3 hours and it feels like 3 minutes.

Be with someone who feels like home, and who makes you act like no one other than your genuine self.

Be with someone who you can wear a green face mask with and still thinks you’re beautiful.





If you date someone who ever has an excuse for why he can’t buy you flowers. Leave then and never look back.

I’m not a gift person and I rarely if ever ask someone to buy me something, but if someone waits until you guys break up to finally buy you the sunflowers you’ve been wanting for months.


Sorry too little too late. If someone doesn’t appreciate you in the beginning, they most likely won’t appreciate you the 2nd or 3rd time.

“We accept the love we think we deserve”- Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Everyone deserves a love that feels pure and true, don’t settle. 

Living for the adventure and loving others.