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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.


It’s that time of year! Spring break is happening and summer is on the horizon, so it’s time to start working out for bikini season. With all the nice weather, you can even take the workout outside and get a tan too. Here’s some workouts that will get you in shape for the heat.

1. Pilates. It’s been done by countless celebrities and now it’s your turn. Pilates is a full body core workout that tones your muscles and helps with your balance. This great if you plan on surfing or participating in other water sports.

2. Running. Running isn’t everybody’s favorite workout, but it is good for the legs. Running on a treadmill all winter means you’re probably bored with the monotony of it. Good news is, with the weather warming up you can now jog paths outside. Try running around campus or by Theta Pond, the scenery will keep things interesting.

3. Zumba. This Latin dance class is offered at the Colvin multiple times a day. They instructors are upbeat and keep you moving the entire class. This is great because it teaches you rhythm as well as burning major calories in a short time. A one hour class on average burns anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories.

4. Swimming. Swimming tones arms and legs while keeping you cooled off in the heat. You can use the indoor or outdoor pool at the Colvin.

5. Volleyball. Playing an activity with friends is a great way to not even realize you’re working out. There are so many volleyball courts around campus that you just have to get a group together. All that lunging for the ball will tone your legs and butt for that swimsuit.

6. Basketball. The same as with volleyball courts, basketball courts are near every dorm. There’s also an indoor court in the Colvin where you can play games.

All these activities and more will get you in shape for summer. If you want to take classes at the Colvin you can check out the class schedules and descriptions here

Strategic Communications major and English minor at Oklahoma State University. Campus Correspondent for the Oklahoma State chapter.